Showing 321–340 of 854 results

Seeing the Face of God: Exploring an ...

Scrutinising previous scholarship and based on careful exegesis of several crucial passages in the Pentateuch, this publication presents the motif ”seeing the face of God” in an entirely new context of divine self-revelation.

In Academia for the Church: Eastern a...

Tension between theory and practice in theological education is an unfortunate yet common occurrence, with educators sometimes finding themselves on one extreme or the other. Some academics can be so immersed in high-level theological discourse that they hardly interact with the main questions of the average church-goer, while others are so keen to be engaging and relevant they fail to be rigorous in their scholarship.

Can God Save My Village?: A Theologic...

The introduction of Christianity by missionaries in North-East India, without ignoring the positive contribution, failed to provide a sound theological foundation for the people of this region in their quest for identity and liberation. In this publication, the author, a native of the region, investigates the struggle for identity among the tribal people of North-East India and more particularly the Kuki people of Manipur.

Missions amidst Pagodas: Contextual C...

For almost 200 years Protestant missionaries have endeavoured to communicate the gospel to Burmese Buddhists in Myanmar. However, Christianity among this people group is still regarded as a ‘potted plant’ with former Buddhists being separated from their community and culture. In this publication Peter Thein Nyunt, a former Buddhist monk, examines past and current approaches of the Protestant church among Burmese Buddhists. Based on his findings he develops a contextual missiological strategy, with a relevant christological message and ecclesiological structure.

Yahweh’s Elegant Speeches of th...

This publication is a pioneering work in the contemporary study of stylistics, reminding the reader of the literary elegance and beauty of the speeches of Yahweh in the Abrahamic narratives. It studies the attribution, aesthetics and representations of these divine speeches.

Concrete Time and Concrete Eternity: ...

This publication investigates how Karl Barth’s doctrine of time and eternity can contribute to the continued understanding of the relationship of divine eternity to time or temporality. Examining from a theological, philosophical and physical perspective, with emphasis on the Trinity, as well as Barth’s Christology and pneumatology, Lui helps us understand Barth’s doctrine. Barth’s contribution to the subject is significant, with his doctrine of time and eternity being relational in ontology, Trinitarian in background and concrete in character.

Theology of Work and Poverty Alleviat...

This publication seeks to determine the need, possibilities, and strategies, necessary to alleviate urban poverty in Mozambique through the tool of transformational business, understood out of a Contextual Theology of Work (CTOW). Focusing on the Maputo metropolitan area, but also wider contexts, the author examines the dynamic relationship of urban poverty, unemployment and work.

Russian Baptists and Orthodoxy, 1960-...

Russian Baptists and the Orthodox Church have had a difficult and, on occasion, dramatic relationship over the past 150 years. Despite the evident dissimilarity,in theology, church practice and traditions, there is common ground, which has been largely unexplored. Focusing mainly on 1960 to 1990 the author investigates the differences and similarities between the two denominations, recognising a significant Orthodox orientation among Russian Baptists in their theology, spiritual mentality and culture.

Missionary of Reconciliation: The Rol...

Bishop Festo Kivengere of Uganda (1919-1988) is one of the most widely known African evangelical leaders. Central to his ministry, he preached the Christian doctrine of reconciliation into a Uganda where Christians lived under the horrors of Idi Amin’s rule and its aftermath. Dr. Alfred Olwa carefully examines 26 of Kvengere’s sermons from a biblical and theological perspective to better understand his theme of reconciliation.

Our Politeuma Is in Heaven!: PaulR...

In this work the author asks: who were these enemies Paul was speaking to? What did they do wrong? Why did they deserve destruction? In search of these questions the investigation looks to the early Christian communities and their formation within the socio-political realities of the urban centers of the Roman Empire.

Reading Psalm 145 with the Sages: A C...

Traditionally, the Psalms have been read in reference to their historical context. This publication suggests reading a psalm in its literary context and with reference to the editorial intent of its placement in the Psalter. The study analyzes Psalm 145, a unique Davidic psalm, providing the reader with an in-depth understanding of the purpose of its placement.

Development of Chinese Church Leaders...

Confucianism and its influence on culture in East Asia has profoundly impacted Chinese churches and the development of their leaders. This work seeks to build an indigenous approach to developing church leaders by understanding the theoretical, and the situational foundations, of relational leadership from both cultural and biblical perspectives. The research is further enriched through case studies and interviews observing the practices of leadership in contemporary Chinese churches.

Foundations for African Theological E...

Morality is central to the life of every community or society. Our ethical decisions and choices are made based on our convictions about how we perceive God, the world and ourselves. At the core of these convictions are our biblical, religious, social, moral and cultural values that shape our character and behaviour. This book has integrated these values from three contexts - African, Western and Biblical.

Christianity in Suriname: An Overview...

The purpose of this study is to give a survey of the history, a summary of the works of theologians and a guide to sources, about Christianity in Suriname.

Reconciliation and Peace in South Sud...

This work, carried out prior to the creation of The Republic of South Sudan, focuses on the Christian perspective on reconciliation and peace in South Sudan.

Communal Holiness in the Gospel of Jo...

The book focuses research on Ancient Near East viticulture to determine the context(s) of when the vine was used to refer to Israel in a covenant relationship with God. In this historical context the Johannine vine metaphor receives fresh meaning and relevance for the people of God.

Role of the Holy Spirit in Protestant...

Through highlighting the role and significance of the Holy Spirit in the whole divine action, this volume contends that pneumatology is not a dull theological locus, but rather an essential theological disposition relevant for today.

Mission Between the Times: Essays on ...

This revised version includes a new essay on the contemporary history of integral mission, a history that began with the Latin American Theological Fellowship, progressed within the Lausanne Movement, is bearing fruit globally through the Micah Network, and challenges evangelicals to address the major issues of our day.

The Transformation of African Christi...

This book seeks to engage in a systematic ecclesiological reflection on the extent to which the understanding and practice of “church” have changed during one and half centuries of Christianity in Nigeria with the purpose of providing pastors and practitioners with an interpretive framework for a contextual yet a biblical way of doing church as Nigeria moves into the future.

The Theology of the Land in Amos 7-9

In Amos the language about land is used extensively. However this subject of the land has never been studied as a topic in its own right, only as part of other themes. This work follows a synchronic reading of Amos and employing textual, literary and historical criticism the author carries out a careful analysis of the land. Although the findings are set in the context of the entire book, the study focuses on chapters 7-9 to explore the topic closer.