Showing 21–40 of 60 results


KShs600.00 KShs520.00
Ni mwongozo wa aina yake wa tamthilia ya lazima kwa shule ya upili. Mbali na matini, kuna maswali na majibu. Maudhui yamewekewa maswali. Hoja zimefululizwa zaidi ya ishirini kwa maudhui. Sehemu muhimu zimepigiwa mistari


KShs580.00 KShs500.00
Huu ni mwongozo wa riwaya ya Nguu za Jadi. Kuna muhtasari, ufaafu wa anwani, dhamira, maudhui, sifa za wahusika na mbinu za lugha. Pia kuna maswali na majibu


KShs250.00 KShs200.00
  • Ni mkusanyiko wa maswali na majibu ya hadithi fupi inayotahiniwa katika shule ya upili. Pia kuna maelekezo kuhusu utaratibu wa kujibu maswali. Maswali mseto


KShs250.00 KShs200.00
  1. Ni mkusanyiko wa maswali na majibu ya Riwaya teule ya Nguu za Jadi. Pia kuna maelekezo kuhusu utaratibu wa kujibu maswali.


KShs220.00 KShs200.00
These are systematically organized questions and answers from a compulsory Kiswahili play for high school. It's guides learners on how to present answers

Fathers of Nations- study notes by J....

KShs480.00 KShs450.00
Comprehensive and detailed analysis of Fathers of Nations text book. Plus revision questions.

Baragumu la Sarufi na ufahamu na ufup...

KShs800.00 KShs760.00
Baragumu ni kitabu cha marudio cha Kiswahili kwa wanafunzi wa shule za upili. Kina maswali ya kcse ya sarufi, ufahamu na ufupisho ya miaka iliyotangulia pamoja na majibu yake

The Examiner in History and governmen...

KShs850.00 KShs800.00

The Examiner History paper 1 book will guide secondary school students and teachers with simplified notes and revision questions for easy tacking of kcse exams

MIHIMILI YA Ushairi na Isimujamii For...

KShs800.00 KShs700.00
Kitabu hiki kitamfaa mwanafunzi anayejitayarisha kwa mtihani wa kcse na pia wanafunzi wengine wa shule za upili na pengine vyuo

Read and grow rich

KShs980.00 KShs850.00
Read and grow rich is a book of it's kind. This book has made schools mean score improve, and helped a lot of students and pupils improve in academics. This is a must have book for every pupil and students. There is academy in kisii county, the director of that school wanted good results. He was referred to me, I started working with that class at the time they were in standard 7 2nd term. I talked to that class using ideas from this book. Within one year their mean score improved from 296 to 356.When they sat for KCPE, the last pupils got 385 and all of them went to best high schools in the country. There is a certain MCA in Western Kenya who wished all secondary schools within his ward to improve in KCSE. He was stressed and didn't know what to do. One principal referred him to me. He ordered enough books for students in those secondary schools and I used to do enough academic mentorship programs with them. All my talks were from this book. Schools that used to score D's, you can't imagine when they sat for KCSE examination, the last student got C stand. There are a lot of examples and testimonies of how this book has helped many pupils and students in this country. The best time to have this book actually is yesterday. Let me tell you something results are expensive. Getting good results is not easy but it's possible. This book is ideal for grade 5,6,7,junior secondary, form 1-4 students and college/university students. If you want your child to get good exemplary results, do this buy this book for him/her, bless her/him then wait for results. If this book has helped many primary and secondary schools achieve in academics then be assured it's also going to help your child. Author Mzee Warsame is consultant, novelist, playwright, best selling author, world class speaker and a businessman. He is the author of best selling books. He has written 14 books. He is a media personality who has worked for the top media houses in Kenya. He is also a columnist who writes on topical issues in Kenya's leading newspapers and magazines. He does charity through his organization, Warsame Orphans Fund, where he pays school fees for 97 orphans in primary, secondary and colleges/university students. Warsame has visited more than 700 secondary schools, more than 200 primary schools and more than 100 polytechnics, colleges and universities in the country. He has mentored more than one million young learners in the country. He is one of the most sought after consultants globally.  

Siri ya kupata A katika mtihani wa Ki...

KShs980.00 KShs960.00
Reason why you should buy your this book:- 1)Knec report inasema miaka miwili na mitatu iliyopita wanafunzi wengi wanafeli Sana kwenye mtihani wa Kiswahili KCSE 2)KNEC report inasema fasihi simulizi na ushairi ndiyo wanafunzi wanafeli sana katika KCSE.Pia Wanafunzi wengi hawajui namna ya kujibu maswali yenyewe.Hiki kitabu kimeshughulikia Mambo hayo vizuri sana. 3)KNEC report inaeleza kuwa Wanafunzi wengi hawajui kujibu maswali ya ushairi na fasihi simulizi,kitabu kimeonyesha jinsi ya kuyajibu maswali. 4)Maswali yaliyopo kwenye kitabu hiki yamefanyiwa utafiti wa hali ya juu.Ukifaulu kuyajibu vizuri,umejiweka katika nafasi nzuri ya kupita kcse. 5)Siri ya Kupata A katika mtihani wa Kiswahili KCSE ni kitabu kilichoandikwa Kwa njia ya kipekee. #mwaka wa 2019 kilitoa alama 35 kwenye KCSE #mwaka wa 2020 kilitoa alama 37 kwenye KCSE #mwaka wa 2021 kilitoa alama 45 na #mwaka 2022 kilitoa alama 55 kwenye KCSE. Jee Kuna kitabu kushinda hiki..bila Shaka Hamna. 5)kitabu hiki kimeonyesha jinsi maswali ya kcse yamekuwa yakiulizwa katika miaka ya nyuma. 6)Kinatumika katika shule nyingi humu nchini.kimewasaidia wengi kuenda university. 7)Dunia inatuza matokeo na siyo juhudi.(The world rewards results and not efforts.) 8)Ni bei nafuu. This book is ideal for form 1-4 students and teachers.If you want your child to get good examplary results,do this buy this book for him/her,bless her/him then wait for results. Author Mzee Warsame is consultant,novelist,playwright, best selling author,world class speaker and a businessman.He is the author of best selling books.He has written 14 books.He is a media personality who has worked for the top media houses in Kenya.He is also a columnist who writes on topical issues in Kenya's leading newspapers and magazines.He does charity through his organization, Warsame Orphans Fund,where he pays school fees for 97 orphans in primary, secondary and colleges/university students.Warsame has visited more than 700 secondary schools,more than 200 primary schools and more than 100 polytechnics, colleges and universities in the country.He has mentored more than one million young learners in the country.He is one of the most sought after consultants globally. Facebook: Mzee Warsame YouTube: Mzee Warsame Instagram: Mzee Warsame TikTok: Mzee Warsame His Number :- +254723753976 Reminder:- 80% of sales from this book goes to charity of helping and paying school fees for orphans children in the country.Your support is highly appreciated.

KINA CHA USHAIRI Mwongozo Wa Uchambuz...

KShs800.00 KShs750.00

This is a guide to 'USHAIRI ' based on Kenya secondary school Kiswahili syllabus.Its a complete guide covering all aspects of 'ushairi.'

Mnunurisho wa Ushairi

KShs650.00 KShs510.00
Mnunurisho wa Ushairi ni Kitabu chenye uchambuzi chanya na mpevu kuhusu Ushairi kama tanzu ya fasihi. Kitabu hiki kina maelezo ya kina kwa mwanafunzi wa shule ya Upili na Junior Secondary.


KShs1,500.00 KShs1,200.00
MARK OF EXCELLENCE -A KCSE REVISION BOOK IN BIOLOGY is an ideal book for a KCSE candidate in Kenyan 8.4.4 curriculum and also for form one to four secondary students and Biology teachers in Kenya.


KShs750.00 KShs700.00
The Idea of writing this book came to my mind when I met so many learners in my day to day training on Study and Revision skills in various schools, who are eager to perform well and are also capable of doing well, but they don't have the knowhow or the expertise on how to study and manage their time effectively. Just Like farming, or any other activity, studying is also an activity with set guidelines and principles of which if a learner is well trained on them, there are increased chances of better performance. This book explores the role of the learner, What hinders academic excellence, the best study techniques, tackling exam skills and tips on how to manage time effectively.


KShs850.00 KShs800.00
This book has been written to assist High School students to perform according to their potential and get the grade they deserve in mathematics. It has been written in a simpler manner to help even an average student understand and enjoy the topics of mathematics. This volume has all the topics in Form 3 and 4 with well elaborated explanations, definitions, Formulas and Examples to help the student understand the concepts easily.


KShs750.00 KShs700.00
This book has been written to assist High School students to perform according to their potential and get the grade they deserve in mathematics. It has been written in a simpler manner to help even an average student understand and enjoy the topics of mathematics. This volume has all the topics in Form 1 and 2 with well elaborated explanations, definitions, Formulas and Examples to help the student understand the concepts easily.

Study and Examination Guide

KShs600.00 KShs500.00
Studying relates to dedicating time and focus to gaining knowledge and skills, and the application thereof, in a given subject or subject area. Effective study involves the efficient use of time and attention to maximize the mastery of the knowledge and skills. Learning how to study effectively is an important skill on its own merit. Further, effective study requires discipline and consistency in reading, questioning, and identifying important information in the subject of study with the objective of increasing knowledge and skill in the subject area. As well, effectively studying for tests and examinations is as important as successfully writing the tests and examinations. They involve more than a mastery of the knowledge and skills tested. They require being mentally prepared and being in a good physical condition and alertness. They require a good understanding of how to optimize the short period of time allotted for writing tests and examinations. This guide is intended to help students three ways; to enable students effectively: (a) study, (b) prepare for tests and examinations, and (c) write tests and examinations. It offers techniques in the three areas which, if consistently applied, would enhance the chances for students performing well in the three aspects. It is a valuable resource for effective learning that goes beyond studying just for passing examinations. The guide emphasizes the value of knowledge and skills, and hence the need for understanding and skills as well as the application. It dissuades the reader for studying purely for purposes of passing examinations. Aside from students, the guide can be used by teachers, study tutors and coaches. It is also useful for education managers in the matter of emphasis of the value of knowledge in real life.


KShs500.00 KShs450.00
The Main aim of this book is to practice Mathematics through a work book and tests using the goal of the primary mathematics curriculum as its meant to: Stimulate interest in the learning of mathematics. Help students understand and acquire basic mathematical concepts and computational skills. Help students develop creativity and the ability to think, communicate, and solve problems. Number: Whole numbers; The nature of numbers; Fractions, decimals, and percentage... Algebra*: Algebraic symbols; Equations Measurement: Money; Length; Time; Weight; Perimeter; Area; Volume; Speed helps children make sense of the numbers, patterns and shapes they see in the world around them, offers ways of handling data in an increasingly digital world and makes a crucial contribution to their development as successful learners. Math is an important part of learning for children in the early years because it provides vital life skills. They will help children problem solve, measure and develop their own spatial awareness, and teach them how to use and understand shapes.

Computerized Data Processing Concepts...

KShs1,200.00 KShs1,000.00
This is secondary computer studies book combining both F1-4 work