Mfalme Edipode

Mchezo huu ni tafsiri ya mmojawapo wa michezo ya misiba iliyo mashuhuri iliyotungwa na yule mwandishi wa Kigiriki, Sofokile, kiasi cha miaka 420 kabla ya Kristo. Unatuwekea mbele yetu hadithi nzuri mno ya mfalme ambaye, pamoja na kuwa na moyo laini, ana ndweo ya kiburi cha kuzawa nacho. Kiburi hicho ndicho kinachompeleka kwenye kifo kiovu baada ya kumuua babake na kumuoa mamake bila ya kujua. n nKatika tafsiri hii iliyofanywa kutokana na nakala kadha wa kadha za Kiingereza, Samuel Mushi ameuhifadhi ule moyo na tabia ya ushairi asilia wa Kigiriki na papo hapo akashikamana na mwendo wa ushairi wa Kiswahili kwa kadri inavyowezekana. Katika utangulizi wake anakokoteza kwamba ingawa mchezo huu ulitungwa kwa mujibu wa utamaduni wa Kigiriki wa kale, wahusika wake na hisia zao ni za kiulimwengu mzima na, kwa hivyo, mchezo wenyewe unaweza kuchezwa katika mazingira ya Kiafrika.

Msako Hatari

Author: Halfani Sudy ISBN: “9780195747751”

Kanda ya Siri

Chifu Abdullah anaingia katika kazi ngumu kuliko zote alizowahi kuzifanya katika maisha yake, kazi ya kuisaka kanda iliyopotea katika kasri yake. Kanda yenyewe inatembea kutoka mkono mmoja hadi mwingine, huku pande mbili zinazoisaka zikitumia nguvu, pesa na akili kuitafuta. n nMsako wa kanda unakutanisha watu wenye tajriba pana katika mambo ya uhalifu. Wapo wanaojeruhiwa, wapo wanaoumizwa, wapo wanaokufa kwa sababu ya kanda, hali inayoitia jeshi la polisi katika kibarua kigumu cha kuwasaka wahalifu hao. n nJe, polisi watafaulu kuwapata wahalifu hao. Je, kanda yenyewe itapatikana? Hivi, ndani ya kanda kuna nini?

Tunu ya Ushairi

'Tunu ya Ushairi' ni mkusanyo wa mashairi ya aina, maudhui na mitindo mbalimbali. Kuna mashairi arudhi, mashairi huru na mashairi picha. Diwani hii ina mashairi ambayo msomaji atajihusisha nayo kwa njia rahisi. Ujumbe wake unapitishwa kwa njia sahili na yenye mguso unaoiacha athari ya kudumu kwa msomaji. Washairi hawakujikita katika mikondo iliyopo tu; wamezuka na mikondo mipya ya utungaji wa mashairi arudhi ambayo itachangia kubadilisha mtazamo wetu kuhusu aina za mashairi. Mkusanyo huu unatoa changamoto kwa wahakiki wa fasihi kutathmini upya upya maelezo dhana mbalimbali za ushairi.

Waja Leo

'Waja leo' ni mkusanyiko wa mashairi ya aina yake yanayomulikia kurunzi vipengele anuwai vya waja (binadamu) wa leo. Watunzi wa mashairi katika diwani hii wana tajiriba na falsafa tofautitofauti zinazodhihirishwa na mitindo na maudhui yao mbalimbali. Mashairi yenyewe yameandikwa kwa lugha rahisi kusomeka na kueleweka, yaliyo na mvuto wa ajabu na ambayo yatawafaa wapenzi na wasomi wa mashairi ndani na nje ya mipaka ya asasi za elimu. n nKatika diwani hii, mna utangulizi kwa msomaji wenye maelezo mwafaka kuhusu mbinu ya kuyasoma na kuyachambua mashairi kwa faida ya wasomaji katika shule za upili. Aidha, kuna maswali ya mazoezi kwenye kurasa za mwisho.

Wema Waliobaki

Mazungumzo yao yalikuwa mafupi. Alihitajika nyumbani haraka. Kulikuwa na dharura. Je, nini kilichokuwa kimetokea cha kuibua dharura hii? Ni kipi cha dharura ambacho hakingeweza kupitishwa kwa simu? Si simu zenyewe zinafaa kupitisha jumbe za dharura? n n'Wema Waliobaki' ni riwaya inayoakisi sura mbalimbali za maovu yanayotekelezwa na watu wenye tamaa ya kuvuna wasichokipanda katika jamii ya leo. Ni hadithi inayowasawiri wanaja mii kama nduli wala watu; mamba wanaosubiri kwenye kingo za mito kuwavamia watekamaji wasiokuwa na habari. Hata hivyo, katika jamii iliyogubikwa na giza la ukosefu wa maadili hapakosi mwanga; mwanga unaotokana na wema waliobaki, hata kama ni wachache.

Ni Rangi Tu

Majaaliwa alipokutana na binadamu wenzake alitamani kujichimbia ardhini ajifiche. Waliicheka rangi yake 'iliyochujuka', kama walivyosema wenyewe. Walimhepa na kumkimbia kama mgonjwa wa ukoma! Wakati mwingine Majaaliwa alijutia majaaliwa aliyopewa, lakini alijijasiri akakabiliana nayo kiume. Aliyakabili kama vile simba jike mwenye hasira anavyomkabili adui, na hatimaye! Hatimaye ... n n'Ni Rangi Tu' ni hadithi ya kusisismua iliyoandikwa kwa lugha sahili. Lugha ambayo inateka makini ya msomaji na kumfanya kutaka kuisoma mfululizo bila kukoma. nAlly Mtenzi, mwandishi wa hadithi hii ni naibu wa Mhariri Mkuu katika runinga ya K24, Shirika la Usambazaji habari la Media Max.

Ningekuwa na Uwezo

Je, ungekuwa na uwezo wa kubadili ulimwengu unamoishi, ungeubadili? Ungebadili nini?

The Colour of Hope

A play surrounding Princess Royal's discovery on finding out that the man she has all along believed to be her father could commit unspeakable crimes against her, worse still he invokes culture to justify his actions. Will she ever recover?

A Jacket for Ahmet

Trojan is a happy-go-lucky sixteen-year-old who loves playing video games and chatting up strangers at a cybercafé after school. On Good Friday, life in his home border town is upended when there is an attack on a petrol station. Trojan seeks refuge in a car yard and this sets off the most unusual Easter weekend of adventure peppered with fear and unease. n n'A Jacket for Ahmet' explores the fanatical nature of terrorism as well as the resilience required to handle difficult situations. StarLit Readers is a series targeting lower secondary school students. The series is also recommended for other readers looking for entertaining modern stories told in a powerful and highly refreshing fashion. The readers in this series will certainly keep you turning the pages.

Do or do

Juma hawks groundnuts and sweets in the streets of Dandora to supplement his mother's income. His fortune however changes when he joins Dandora Stars, a local football team. It takes the coach's determination and Juma's intellect for the team to progress in the Under-17 Tournament. With setbacks such as poverty, betrayal and corruption, will Juma be able to achieve his dream of becoming a renowned footballer? n n'Do or do' is a story of teamwork, friendship, family and betrayal in the quest to achieve dreams. n nStarLit Readers is a series targeting lower secondary school students. The series is also recommended for other readers looking for entertaining modern stories told in a powerful and highly refreshing fashion. The readers in this series will certainly keep you turning the pages.

Flower of a Stump

"If what I am thinking is true, then she is dead. She could not have survived the kind of journey I went through," said Majok. n n"She could have tried to start the journey, right?" n"Right," Majok agreed. n"Let's begin with the positive side - that she is alive somewhere. The question is, where?" pursued Paul. n nWhen a helicopter bombs their school, Achal Dong does not comprehend what the violence is all about. When masked gunmen attack their home, the danger is real and she runs for her life. She begins her long journey that finally takes her to Nairobi where she struggles with an identity crisis and craves the good things in life. n nStarLit Readers is a new series targeting lower secondary school students. The series is also recommended for other readers looking for modern stories told in a powerful and highly refreshing fashion. The readers in this series will certainly keep you turning the pages. n nMiriam Maranga-Musonye holds a PhD in Literature from the University of Nairobi, where she teaches. She has conducted research on the plight of children. Miriam enjoys storytelling and believes in the intrinsic beauty of literary art and its ability to illuminate social issues.

The weaver of Dreams

G. Chocha lives a charmed life in peri-urban Maua, spending most of his time playing pool with his friends and occasionally engaging in small businesses. n nHowever, there is a problem. The girl he loves is in love with his best friend and this is threatening to destroy his world and his sanity until one day he gets the chance to travel and study abroad. His worldview changes dramatically as he embarks on an exciting yet perilous journey of self-discovery. What is more, he not only falls in love again but wins a jackpot that could transform his life upon his return to his home town. n n'The Weaver of Dreams' is a story of hope and victory over great odds. Young readers everywhere will love and easily identify with it.

A Rebirth

"Mum, why did you say I had gone to visit Grandma?" "Nancy, you ask too many questions for your age." n n"I'm sorry, Mum. Just allow me one more question and I promise I will not ask more." n n"You may ask, my daughter." n n"When will I go back to school?" Nkatha was silent for some time. n n"Nancy. I need to raise five thousand shillings to give Miriti if you are to go back to school," Nkatha said. n n"What has Miriti got to do with it? He's not the head teacher!" n nNancy has always kept some painful secrets locked away in her memory. It was the safest thing to do then. However, some bitter truths are now screaming to be let out for Nancy to live a fulfilling life. A trip to a retreat centre affords Nancy the chance to confront the ghosts of her past. n nStarLit Readers is a series targeting lower secondary school students. The series is also recommended for other readers looking for hilarious modern stories told in a powerful and highly refreshing fashion. The readers in this series will certainly keep you turning the pages.

The Trials of Brother Jero

Brother Jeroboam is a self-professed man of God who preaches water but drinks wine. He has managed to convince a group of people that he is God's prophet with divine powers to have their dreams fulfilled. Through this, he takes advantage of his faithful who are just too eager to be told what they want to hear. Like many of the 'prophets' we see everywhere today, Brother Jero, as he likes to be called, has managed to keep his followers in a tight grip of spiritual slavery. When Chume, his faithful assistant and heir apparent, discovers the real man behind the mask, Brother Jero won't stop at anything to make sure that he is 'well taken care of'!

Glass Houses

Kito Makato, now the undisputed head of his family, is in for a rude awakening. Things are fast getting out of hand on the home front as his wife of twelve years, Kawira, discovers that ‘there is no peace without truth’ and, under pressure from an old friend, decides to lay bare her controversial past. Arguing that ‘God made woman to keep recreating her man over and over again’ and that ‘No man is a hero to his wife; even if she is a bushwoman,’ Kawira, a woman on several missions, uses silence; persuasion, threats, wit, sarcasm and whatever other ammunition she can think of to puncture all the bubbles thrown in her way. So, is anyone out there bold enough to throw stones into her territory ‘when we all live in glasshouses’?