360° Atlas for Secondary Schools 3rd Ed

360° Atlas, Third edition, is a culmination of extensive and intensive research. It is the most up-to-date resource for geographical and cartographical facts for students in Secondary Schools, as well as other users in the region

Spot On Oral Skills

Students in secondary schools are required to acquire communicative competence in the English language. They will find this competence useful even after completing school. The Spot On series is designed to equip students with long-lasting English skills. n n'Spot On Oral Skills' provides students and teachers with a resource that explores listening and speaking. It covers oral skills (including speech and intonation), note-taking and oral literature among other areas. n nIt provides: n
  • Information on how to approach and improve oral communication.
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  • Practical activities through which students can practise oral skills.
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  • A variety of exercises and examination-type questions.
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  • Guidelines and answers to the activities and exercises.
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nThe authors are communication experts who have wide experience in the teaching and examination of English language skills.

Spot On Writing Skills

Students in secondary schools are required to acquire communicative competence in the English language. They will find this competence useful even after completing school. The Spot On series is designed to equip students with long-lasting English language skills. 'Spot On Writing Skills' provides students and teachers with a resource that explores effective writing. n nIt includes: n
  • Mechanics of writing which comprise handwriting skills, spelling and punctuation.
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  • Tips on how to construct a good paragraph right from the word to the sentence and paragraph levels.
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  • The characteristics of a good essay.
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  • An extensive variety of writing exercises.
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  • Sample written texts that are as hilarious as they are informative.
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Spot On Comprehension Skills for Seco...

Students in secondary schools are required to acquire communicative competence in the English language. They will find this competence useful even after completing school. The Spot On series is designed to equip students with long-lasting English skills. Spot On Comprehension Skills provides students and teachers with a resource that explores reading and comprehension. n n'Spot On Comprehension Skills' has the following distinctive features: n
  • A section on how to approach different types of passages that students are likely to encounter in comprehension exercises.
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  • Information on the reading skills that the students are expected to acquire.
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  • A wide variety of exercises to assist students in acquiring the necessary skills.
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  • Answers to all the questions in the exercises. nThe authors are English language experts who have experience in the teaching and examination of English language skills.
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