Showing 81–89 of 89 results

We Come in Peace

This is a story of slave trade as we know it. A riveting plot that moves back and forth in time - from ancient times to the present - with amazing ease.


Mr. Kozia decides enough is enough and is ready to spill the beans. The school is ablaze with stories about the elegant nand beautiful Barbara. Is it true that all that glitters is not gold?

Twelve Months

Tasha finds herself in a new school courtesy of her father's corporate ambition. As she struggles to settle in, she nearly ruins her life in a fast-paced staccato occasioned by the company she keeps.

The Hunter is Back

Rita is faced with trials that seem to seal her fate. Political power, big money, and betrayal in her family have conspired to ruin her family forever. After a regrettable past, a stressful present and a clearly bleak future, will she be able to overcome the forces of evil?

The Burdens

Wamala, an erstwhile Cabinet Minister of a country in post-independence Africa, was detained for plotting with foreigners to overthrow the government. When released he failed to reconcile himself with the life of abject poverty and nagging family obligations. n nAct I poses the problem deceptively as if the argument going on is the familiar one of the neglected wife exploiting sympathy from her two children and using it to fight the husband. n nIn Act II, with rapidly increasing tension, both wife and husband bring up their past and end by having their greatest confrontation. The impression at the end of Act II is that this is the last moment of choice for Wamala: to find his feet as a man or to go under finally. Act III reveals the aftermath of his choice. n nJohn Ruganda has maintained a keen interest in theatre since his student days at Makerere University College, where he graduated with an honours degree in English Literature. n nHe is a lecturer in the Department of Literature at the University of Nairobi. His two full-length plays, Black Mamba and Covenant with Death are published by the East African Publishing House. Study Guide to 'The Burdens' by E. Kitonga is also available.

The Trials of Brother Jero

Brother Jeroboam is a self-professed man of God who preaches water but drinks wine. He has managed to convince a group of people that he is God's prophet with divine powers to have their dreams fulfilled. Through this, he takes advantage of his faithful who are just too eager to be told what they want to hear. Like many of the 'prophets' we see everywhere today, Brother Jero, as he likes to be called, has managed to keep his followers in a tight grip of spiritual slavery. When Chume, his faithful assistant and heir apparent, discovers the real man behind the mask, Brother Jero won't stop at anything to make sure that he is 'well taken care of'!

Glass Houses

Kito Makato, now the undisputed head of his family, is in for a rude awakening. Things are fast getting out of hand on the home front as his wife of twelve years, Kawira, discovers that ‘there is no peace without truth’ and, under pressure from an old friend, decides to lay bare her controversial past. Arguing that ‘God made woman to keep recreating her man over and over again’ and that ‘No man is a hero to his wife; even if she is a bushwoman,’ Kawira, a woman on several missions, uses silence; persuasion, threats, wit, sarcasm and whatever other ammunition she can think of to puncture all the bubbles thrown in her way. So, is anyone out there bold enough to throw stones into her territory ‘when we all live in glasshouses’?

Test It & Fix It Chemistry Pract...

KNEC exam reports over the years have consistently attributed poor performance in Sciences to a lack of examination skills. n n'Test it and Fix it Practicals' is a new series aimed at helping candidates tackle challenges experienced during KCSE Practical Exams. n nThe Text it and Fix it KCSE Chemistry Practicals has: n
  • Elaborate topical questions covering all practical areas in chemistry exams for practice.
  • n
  • Sample KCSE examination papers with marking schemes to show candidates how marks are awarded in various types of questions.
  • n
  • Exam Tips and hints on common mistakes to avoid when answering practical examination questions.
  • n
  • A prediction platform offering learners an opportunity to examine trends in chemistry practical exams setting.
  • n
nThe books are well-researched, and questions are carefully selected to enable the learner to effectively practice answering practical examination questions.

Test It & Fix It Biology Practicals

'Test it and Fix it Practicals' is a new series aimed at tackling challenges experienced by candidates in the practical exams in KCSE. KNEC exam reports over the years have consistently attributed poor performance in Sciences to a lack of examination skills when answering practical question papers in the three science areas i.e. Biology, Chemistry and Physics. The series aims at providing hands-on solutions to handling the practical questions in the KCSE exams. n nThe Text it and Fix it KCSE Practical Revision Biology has: n
  • Elaborate topical questions covering all practical areas in biology exams for practice.
  • n
  • Sample KCSE examination papers with marking schemes to show candidates how marks are awarded in various types of questions.
  • n
  • Exam Tips and hints on common mistakes to avoid when answering practical examination questions.
  • n
  • A prediction platform offering learners an opportunity to examine trends in biology practical exam setting.
  • n
  • An analysis of problem areas in Biology practical exams in the last 10 years.
  • n
nThe books are well-researched, and questions are carefully selected to enable the learner to effectively practise answering practical examination questions.