Showing 981–1000 of 1932 results

Lwanda: The Stone Awakens by Ted Walde

KShs700.00 KShs500.00
A million shillings in debt, a pyramid scheme, and a life of crime. Not the welcome Lwanda expected when he left his village to start a new chapter Nairobi. While in the city he meets Keziah, a budding entrepreneur and the love of his life. She entices him to join a pyramid scheme that sells unregulated bodybuilding supplements and he gets hooked. Little does he know the pills are worsening his rare genetic condition and he must find a way out before his body turns to stone.

Voice of Courage by Erick Onyango Odh...

KShs350.00 KShs250.00
Voice of courage book is a stage play dystopia tale of Mambo Leo's constituent liberation struggles and trumps over social evil. The book details how the people charted their path and mastered their fate to realize their power, and dormant potential and achieve a just, empowered and united society.

Times Are Turbulent BY Victor BK Mudiir

KShs1,500.00 KShs1,000.00
The book features remarkable works from other upcoming poets such as Samuel Aru's 'At the verge of ruin,' Rabha Muhamed's 'The country that makes no bullets,' Teresia Waweru's 'Listen my daughter and a dedicational poem by Abreham Cherie Getachew based on a popular Amharic best-selling romantic novel, Fikir Eske Mekabir, 'Proxima Centauri.'

Child of Destiny by Annemarie Musawale

The Princess and the Frog meets The Vampire Diaries in this epic tale of forbidden love. "If you don't do this spell, Charlotte is going to die!" Leo said looming over her. "You think I don't know that!?" she huffed, "I told you, I can't do it. It requires 'passion acquired in a lover's arms' and I. Don't. Have. That!" Mya was a fledgling virgin witch. Leo, a faithless cad! Or diamond in the rough, depending on who you asked. The circumstances are not ideal. Magic MUST be performed or Leo's girlfriend dies. If she dies, that's the end of Leo's Cinderella story. So what is a wanna-be Disney Princess to do? Everything he must, obvi. If that includes a quickie with a reluctant witch, who can blame him? Charlotte. That's who. But she's dying right at the moment so she doesn't really get a say. Wait, but what about Mya? Is she just gonna roll over like a good mouse and let herself be used as a means to Leo's ends? That's just for starters. Join Leo and Mya in this explosive journey of betrayal, teen angst, intrigue and witchery as they embark on an epic journey with fate as their driver, to discover the most powerful magic that ever existed. ​​​​​​​ True love.  

Cinderella By Any Other Name by Annem...

Follow Nadia in the journey to find herself and find out if she can please everyone and still live her best life.

In Search of Paradise by Annemarie Mu...

A postapocalyptic gay African romance featuring rugby matches and clandestine meets out of town, obnoxious sisters and a beard.

Foundations – keys to Courtship...

KShs1,200.00 KShs1,000.00
The quality of a foundation determines the strength of a building, how high it goes and how long it lasts. Similarly, a relationship built on TRUTH will not only stand the test of times but also achieve high levels of purpose within God’s original plan for the couple. This book provides keys, insights, icons, pointers and initiates conversations that are crucial to building the right and solid foundations for dating, courting and married couples.

A Smart Way To Start Doing Good (SDGs...

KShs700.00 KShs550.00
This book contains The United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals

Sound Design In Film: A Kenyan Cinema...

KShs2,500.00 KShs2,250.00

Sound Design in Film is an analytical and practical text/reference book covering the subject of planning, recording, processing and analysis of sound in film. 

My Lifes Journey By Hon Titus Mbathi

KShs3,000.00 KShs2,500.00
Distinguished former Cabinet Minister who has led an accomplished life tells all about the journey to becoming. At 94 years old and with a lucid memory, you want to read this book on what it takes to lead a successful life with equally successful children and daughters in law.

Journeys and Stories by Elizabeth Mue...

KShs1,500.00 KShs1,200.00
Journeys and Stories carries an inspirational chronicle packed with life experiences that will rouse your inner spirit, help you unpack your limitations, learn skills to embrace the power of calmness, understand how expensive it is to protect your dignity and also guide you into a state of being 'Wonderfully You'.

101 Authentic Leadership Lessons By M...

KShs2,500.00 KShs2,000.00
101 Authentic leadership lessons are meant for spark you at personal and professional level. It is for individuals, cooperates and institutions aspiring to lead and to be authentic leaders. If I died with these lessons. I would be too selfish and therefore unauthentic. Let's aspire to be authentic before we expire.

Bound to Last by Anyango Nyar Aketch

KShs1,200.00 KShs1,000.00
A beautiful love story between two people who have to fight for their happily ever after.

Hawkers-Pokers by Kinyanjui Kombani

KShs700.00 KShs590.00
The son of the one of the country’s richest men is missing, presumably kidnapped. The ensuing search and rescue operation triggers a series of events dragging in one of the city hawkers’ scouts. Meanwhile, a manager in a financial firm tries his hand at money multiplication miracles, and a woman makes a difficult choice to secure a better world for her child. It is all a mess – the kind of social commentary that can only be told by one of Kenya’s most critically acclaimed contemporary writers.

My Remarkable Mom: This is your story...

KShs2,700.00 KShs2,500.00
My Remarkable Mom is a guided journal that has been thoughtfully created to help us get to know our mothers better. Every relationship, including that of a mother and child, benefits from deliberate tending and intentionality. The book may be filled by a child on behalf of their mother as they talk, or if a mom is able to, and if it is preferred, she may fill the book herself in addition to the conversations. A mother with young children could start to fill the book for them while memories are still fresh. It will be a precious keepsake in which entries can be made as life unfolds.

The Dawn of NewLife

KShs1,300.00 KShs800.00
Mr. Turner’s story is one of a truly extraordinary kind. Born after a three-year gestation period in his mother’s womb, he was immediately rejected by his family. They saw him as a blight on their reputation, and his birth was shrouded in secrecy. Despite the challenges he faced from the outset, Mr. Turner was determined to make something of his life. He worked hard to educate himself, eventually finding a job and building a career. Along the way, he encountered many obstacles and hardships, including a failed marriage and numerous setbacks. However, with his steely determination and unwavering resilience, Mr. Turner persevered. Despite the odds, he eventually achieved a degree of success that many of his peers could only dream of. His hard work and dedication paid off, and he found success in his chosen field. Mr. Turner’s story is a remarkable one, and he serves as an inspiration to us all. His journey is proof that with enough hard work and determination, anyone can overcome any obstacle. He stands as a testament to the power of the human spirit to overcome even the most difficult of odds.

The Lost and Found

KShs1,300.00 KShs800.00
It can be incredibly difficult to keep going when the journey feels long and overwhelming. I understand the feeling of having nothing left to work with. It's easy to feel like giving up and to think that no matter how hard we try, it won't make a difference. But that is not true. Even in our darkest moments, we can find the strength to keep going and to create something new and beautiful. We can make a conscious effort to focus on positive thoughts and to take small steps towards our goals. We can remember that no matter what we have been through, we are still capable of achieving our dreams. Take some time to reflect on the journey you have been on so far. Celebrate the successes, learn from the mistakes, and recognize the strength and resilience that has gotten you this far. Remember that you have the power to create and foster something new in your life. Find the courage to keep going and to take one step at a time. You can do it.

Accounting for Secondary School

KShs1,800.00 KShs1,200.00
Accounting for Secondary Schools has been authored with design, precision, and accuracy by a qualified teacher and examiner to enable students taking Business Studies to understand and tackle accounting questions appropriately and easily in examinations. This book is elaborate with several examples that are simple and concise approaches and solutions that reinforce accounting knowledge. In addition, it has numerous questions at the end of every topic and some content on economics that require mathematical solutions. The topical questions are set in tandem with KCSE standards. It, therefore, guarantees excellence in the subject. Students who drop Business Studies in earlier years of secondary education attribute this decision to fear of accounting. This book is therefore authored with the hope that many students will be able to take Business Studies as An Optional Technical Subject forthright. This will also be directly proportional to the number of students pursuing accounting as a career in universities and colleges.

Eye of the Storm by Yusuf K Dawood

KShs1,190.00 KShs900.00
Eye of the Storm is a fast-paced mystery thriller written with hospital background. It is the story of a surgeon tortured by the trauma he suffered in the past. To release himself from the psychological shackles imposed on him as a result, he turns into a modern-day, Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. It is a study of a genius bordering on lunacy and keeps the readers on the edge until the story unravels and the ghastly truth comes out. It makes the reader wonder where the writer is leading to until the climax explodes in the reader's mind making it impossible to put the book down until the storm blows over.