Showing 1321–1340 of 1951 results

The Cages We Built by Kendi Karimi

KShs1,250.00 KShs500.00
In these pages, the author weaves words together like a master architect, constructing a literary house that will shelter your thoughts and emotions. Brick by brick, they unveil the hidden depths behind the enigmatic title, inviting you to explore the war and rebellions fought within the mind and heart. It's time to unlock the cage and set your soul free!

Murdering Romance by Kendi Karimi

KShs1,300.00 KShs1,000.00
A Wakini Kuria Prize & African Writers Awards shortlisted author

Murdering Romance is a story about Mukami who simply wanted to experience an actual authentic moment of genuine love and call it her own. But let the title not lull you into thinking that the book is solely about romance. It is much more. The author first portrays Mukami as this lady who seems to be on a revenge mission disguised as a pursuit of love but as the plot thickens, the storyline evolves into other deeper issues. The book delves deep into several themes including domestic violence, toxic masculinity, femininity, absentee parents and abuse, among others.

Often there is a gulf of difference between fiction and non-fiction but in Murdering Romance, the dissimilarity between the two is too blurred to discern.

Life In No Order: A compilation of sh...

KShs1,500.00 KShs1,250.00
A head scratching, heart stopping collection of stories Praise for the stories in Life In No Order GENRE: SHORT STORY TITLE: OUR BRIEF HEAVENLY HOUR WRITER: KENDI KARIMI, KENYA REVIEWER: HALIEO MOTANYANE, LESOTHO WEBSITE: WRITER'S SPACE AFRICA Captivity is one of the biggest achievements that a writer should rejoice in whenever their story masters it. For a story to be a masterpiece, the reader should be captivated to the point of not wanting to stop reading while wishing the story should not end. This is what Kendi Karimi’s story has done to me. Rather than call ‘Our Brief Heavenly Hour’ a short story, it would fit perfectly as a ‘Personal Letter’. “Kendi, you have a deep-rooted philosophical soul that is unparalleled in verse! Your poetic style is quite unique.” -LANCE SHERIDAN Don’t Wait In The Sun, Dance In The Rain Your prose is so incredibly eloquent. The metaphors you create uniquely elevate your writing. You convey the joy of love, the grief of heartbreak, and the beauty of healing so intimately and powerfully.” -PHOENIX WILLIAMSON Number 27 “Wow! This such a motivational and inspiring story. Everyone's lives have dark days and when I am going through mine, this story would keep me alive. This has given the readers (or maybe me) the strength to keep their hopes on guard.” -KEYA JADAV Something Full And Round And Fruity Wowwwww. This was immediately powerful and compelling…I could feel the grief between the lines, the pain, the fear, but also the love. -KELLY DENNISON White Men Police Teeth You are such a commanding writer. Strong, yet subtle compelling me to dive deeper into my consciousness and perception. -BETH CONNOR This was absolutely amazing…your use of metaphors really blows me away. This is such a raw and powerful work of art. -SAPPHIRE “It’s like you’ve given words to the unexplainable, and yet it’s so effortlessly put that it’s breath-taking.” -WANGARE About the book Stories are never just stories the same way love isn't just love or hate just hate. With love, you make the life-altering decision to live and die by your lover's side when marriage come along. With hate, you bully a child into submission, into self-loathing, into depression. With stories, you tell about your share of pain and joy, love and hate and in doing so, you knit a lovely invisible creation that sheds light on culture and history as is in your time. You have the chance to immortalize something with a story, a chance to shine the torch on life. These stories, these histories, are poetic, vivid, full. Life in no order is a collection of short stories that talk about life, in no order. About the author Kendi Karim graduated top of her class with first-class honors in Mass Communication. Her short story, What Does It Mean To Be Kind Anyway, was shortlisted for the Wakini Kuria Prize for children’s literature in 2021. ‘Our Brief Heavenly Hour' has also been featured by Writer’s Space Africa and her work has been recognized by BIC group and EUEPA. A writer for the lovers, dreamers and believers. For the hope give-ups, and the heart beat-ups.

Pioneer Senator: The life and Times o...

KShs2,000.00 KShs1,500.00
Pioneer Senator: The life and Times of Gerald Nathaniee Kalya by Godfrey K. Sang With Wilson Kalya


KShs800.00 KShs650.00
A Flame Of Passion and Other Poems’ have a thrilling conversation with each other on various contemporary issues of life and nature, which evokes different emotional dispositions while immersing the reader in a thrilling literally voyage of how human emancipatory spirit stubbornness lucidly emerges in every other time humane aspects are threatened in various ways: Human will to fight and protect humane psyche from adversaries whether surreal or real while appreciating the beauty of life and nature. The common thread running through the poems is passion: stoking the flame of struggle, awe and thrill of every situation of experience and nature humans find themselves in. About the author Titus Mūrīīthi wa Mūturi is successfully an alumnus of Ndaguma Primary School, in Mbeere South, Embu. St.Thomas Moore Nguviu Boys' High School, Embu and Kenyatta University with a Bachelor of Education (Arts) (Hons.), he also enrolled in Masters of Arts (Population Geography) course at the same university. He has taught geography and CRE at various secondary schools such as St. Christopher Nembure Secondary School, Itabua Day Secondary School; both in Embu County and currently teaching and doubles up as the Director of Studies(Dean) at Kiandai Mixed Day Secondary School in Kirinyaga East Sub-county, Kirinyaga County. He is also the Coordinator of Kirinyaga East Central Zone Strategic Alliance panel of geography examiners.

KCPE Made Familiar: Kitabu cha Mazoez...

KShs1,000.00 KShs700.00
Kitabu hiki cha mazoezi ya Insha kimeandaliwa mahsusi ili kuwasaidia wanafunzi katika shule za upili kudurusu na kuelewa kwa undani mada inayofunzwa darasani kwa kujibu maswali yaliyo katika kitabu hiki kutoka katika hiyo mada. Kwa njia hii, kitabu kitawasaidia wanafunzi kutambua kile wanachofunzwa darasani na K.C.P.E.Kitabu hiki pia ni chenye manufaa makubwa kwa walimu ambao wangependa kuwaonyesha wanafunzi wao jinsi maswali huulizwa katika mtihani kwa kuzingatia mada mbalimbali. Kitabu hiki kina maswali kuhusu mada zinazofunzwa katika darasa cha 4, 5, 6, 7 na 8. Pia kuna dhana - mseto ambazo zinafunzwa katika darasa chochote. Majibu yaliyo baada ya maswali yanakusudiwa kumnoa na kumsukuma mwanafunzi kufaulu kwa kujisomesha mwenyewe (kuwa mwalimu wake binafsi).

KCPE Made Familiar: English Workbook ...

KShs800.00 KShs700.00
K.C.P.E Made Familiar workbooks are a series of revision books meant to make K.C.P.E. familiar to learners. The benefits of this workbook to learners are immense and always result in improved grades. Some of the benefits include:-
  • provision of past K.C.P.E. questions in their original form, arranged in topics, and in the respective forms in which the topics are taught.
  • provision of answers, which help learners to work independently.
  • exposure of learners to exam-type questions in various topics, thus helping learners to:- internalize concepts by practicing questions from topics already taught in class.
  • relate what they are taught in class with K.C.P.E. thereby making K.C.P-E. questions familiar.
  • identify their weak areas and aim to continually improve in these areas.
  • build confidence through answering/working out questions in any given topic.

The Big Chiefs by Meja Mwangi

KShs900.00 KShs790.00
Men would talk, as men do, about love and money and power and politics and, acting learned, they would try to outdo one another with their knowledge and their understanding of the political realities and the absurd policies, that bred hate and poverty and genocides. They would ask themselves and one another questions that were often impossible to understand and even harder to answer. Did bad politics breed poverty or did poverty breed bad politics? Opinions were many and varied. Friends argued and sometimes came to blows over their views.

Wired Weird by Wairimu Kanyi

KShs1,500.00 KShs1,200.00
It is surreal to sit and start putting the story of your life on paper. It makes you reflect, breaks you, offers mental shifts or aha moments and most of all helps you identify the previous-ness of God all through. You sift through the many precious lessons, achievements, happy & hurtful memories and choices that had lasting impact and those that have had none at all. Mainly you appreciate how each God orchestrated moment is not just for one person’s destiny but is attached to that of others. This book is written to allow you to paint the story of who you really are and discover the true journey of what we are calling your weird wiring. Wired Weird is about my life, my story from A-Z. I don't know your story but in here I believe you will find pointers that will allow you to journey through your own life story. You will appreciate your past, present and how that has already shaped you for the future.

No girl is limited by Peter Mbuthia

KShs1,500.00 KShs1,100.00
This book is dedicated to the girl child. The two main characters are the dad and his daughter, where the dad is encouraging her to be a curious person, to be a critical thinker, and to ask questions with the view of gaining knowledge and elevating her self-esteem and confidence and therefore setting herself upon an exciting process of self - empowerment. In a society where the girl child faces ever-increasing challenges, she requires mentors who will walk with her as she is growing up. The girl needs to be affirmed that she is equally competitive and that her dreams are as valid as for those of everyone else. The first and most important line of mentoring should be her parents, especially her dad, who should be fully present and fully engaged in her life. Important lessons for how a girl will relate to the opposite gender are learned from her dad. If her dad treats her well, she will feel secure and confident. This book is relevant for the boy child as well, but the author intends to pay special attention to the girl child.

The Fundamentals of Strategic Writing...

KShs2,150.00 KShs1,890.00
Do you find writing—whether a correspondence letter, memo, formal email, or report—a challenge? In a world where everyone is busy, you don’t want your reader to ignore your text because you did not communicate clearly. And they shouldn’t have to read through tons of text to get to your message. Writing may sound difficult, but it doesn’t have to be, especially focused, objective, and visible high-quality writing, regardless of your professional background or speciality. That’s what this book is all about—honing your strategic writing skills. Whoever you are writing for should understand what you want to communicate right from the onset, from the first paragraph, and even the first sentence. This book will give you enduring fundamentals to help you produce accurate, concise, and clear information for your reader.

Daddys Daughter and Other Stories by ...

KShs1,450.00 KShs1,250.00
Daddy’s Daughter and other Stories is a collection of extremely powerful stories dealing with pertinent thematic concerns such as love and mistrust, betrayal and gayism, blind loyalty, pride and naivety, the battle between good and evil, sacrifice and resilience, violence and domestic abuse, inter-cultural marriages, hope, recovery and good fortune, the quest for children and the sustenance of future generations. The authors deploy various types of irony, humour, suspense, twists and turns, well-developed characterizations, highly skilled argumentation and creatively woven plotting. It is nonstop, fast-paced breathtaking reading that every lover of stories will immensely enjoy.

Destiny Disrupted by Ahmed Deen

KShs2,000.00 KShs1,500.00

Family conflict ( tensions between parents and step children.

Impact of bad political choices. The struggle by teens to keep relationships without falling into zina. Negative impact of technology ( isolation, loss of self esteem, addiction, gaming culture etc) Juvenile delinquency ( who are the people who populate our jails? What kind of conversations do they have ? Should we just flog petty offenders instead of incarceration them? Dangers and challenges of Higher education ( exposure to zina, drugs and alcohol abuse, exposure to shubuhat and ideological fitna). Arranged marriages: do they work? Should we bin them? Sexual harassment: Do our ladies experience sexual assault whether groping or rape? How about the maslaxa system? Is it still effective or Should it go ? All of these told in the form of a love story between two smitten teenagers.

Heart Whispers by Brenda S. Wanjira

KShs1,200.00 KShs1,000.00
An explosion of inner thoughts, intimate feelings, and raging desires. Whispers of the heart.

Paracletic Communion by Jacqueline M

KShs900.00 KShs650.00
It has really changed my life, Brought life to my dry bones, Given life to my lifeless situations. It has made my soul that was so void Turn into a complete and lifeful one. It has turned my loneliness into solitude. The lone space that would eat me up, Now renews me as I only get there to commune with You. Oh! Holyspirit my Lord. Being with You. -Jacques

African poetry soup anthology by Ochi...

KShs900.00 KShs650.00
AFRICAN POETRY SOUP ANTHOLOGY is a collection of poems from Kenya, Botswana, Nigeria and South Africa to bring the taste of African poetry. It’s a collection of well weaved poems having the African mood, theme and taste.

Pruned to Bloom by Linus W. Mbuu

KShs1,500.00 KShs1,000.00
This is a Christian thriller fiction book. In a world where we have sovereign power (free will) to choose whatever we wish to do, in our fallen nature we have the tendency to choose darkness over light. What we have no control over are the consequences attaching to our respective choices. Some of our choices prune us to bloom, while some lead to eternal destruction. The unbridled in the spirit continuously add to the bank of their wickedness, unknowingly fattening themselves for the day of their slaughter. The day of reckoning for Rasta, Terminator and Stout dawned with their eyes set expectantly on an attractively glittering mirage. However, before the dusk could usher in the darkness that often covered the nudity of their evil hearts, they were sizzling literally in a lake of fire as their lives ebbed away in dishonor. However, one smoldering remnant was rescued from the flames, mercifully redeemed to bloom again in dignity. Hercules on the other hand hang on a different cross but was lucky to have been let go half-naked wading through stinging nettles that set him off in sores to walk barefoot in a territory where the scepter of the wicked reigned every night. He was pruned off his lust, pride and immorality escaping with his life by the skin of his teeth, reformed to transform the souls and lives of others.

Veiled Heart by Deborah Onduru

KShs1,200.00 KShs1,000.00
This story is about a soldier who comes home for a short leave then ends up becoming a father to a little girl whose mother dies in the hospital during her birth after she finds herself at the soldiers door step injured and heavily pregnant. He doesn't know who the woman is, how she ended up on his door, no identity on her. He has to take care of the infant. He quits his job as a soldier and makes a lot of sacrifices along the way but when the little girl octavia grows up, its not rainbows and unicorns as the relationship between her and her father is threatened after she is fed false information about her mother and what happened to her..

The African Powerhouse by Collin Karimi

KShs1,900.00 KShs1,450.00
Purpose is that engine that drives us. We have had labels such as rat race to a population that is determined to achieve their goals.

Siege Of Utuopia by Gregory Mwendwa

KShs800.00 KShs600.00
The chaos that befalls the world pushed the globe to a transformative state. The protagonist Munene steps in as a pacifying force to bring stability after a rein of terror in Siege Of Utuopia (THE MOTHER CITY OF THE WORLD) About The Book The chaos that befalls the world pushed the globe to a transformative