Showing 1941–1951 of 1951 results

UNsilenced by Rasna Warah

KShs1,899.00 KShs1,799.00
In a world experiencing increasing conflicts, terrorism and displacement, many people are wondering what the United Nations – the organization established in 1945 to save future generations from the scourge of war – should or could have done to prevent these disasters from escalating. UNsilenced shows that, in fact, the UN has remained a bystander in many of these conflicts and that peace-building efforts have not only been undermined by the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, but also by the UN's many agencies and programmes. The book exposes how, under the guise of development, stability and the "war on terror", the UN fails to prevent conflicts in many parts of the world, and in some cases, misleads the public about the scale of a problem. The book also reveals the web of lies, cover-ups, corruption and impunity within the United Nations that has allowed wrongdoing to continue unabated. Many of these acts of wrongdoing occur or continue because the UN fails to protect whistleblowers; on the contrary, most UN whistleblowers experience severe retaliation. UNsilenced describes how whistleblowers have been denied justice within the UN system and how the immunity accorded to UN officials and the conflict of interest inherent in the UN's internal justice system allow the perpetrators of criminal or unethical activities to go unpunished. The book is an urgent call for a serious reform of this bureaucratic, arcane and increasingly politicized organization – because not doing so constitutes a betrayal of the trust invested in it by the people and countries that depend on it.

The Carjackers (The Rugendo Rhinos Se...

KShs700.00 KShs600.00
When vehicles start disappearing from Rugendo village, the Rhinos go on the hunt and manage to pick up the trail. Will they solve the crimes before things get really dangerous? Will they beat the Cheetahs (girls’ group) in solving the case? Find out what happens as both groups find themselves trapped in a life-threatening situation.  

The Flame of Freedom by Raila Odinga ...

KShs5,500.00 KShs4,990.00
The Flame of Freedom chronicles the remarkable journey of one of Africa’s leading politicians and statesmen. Raila Odinga’s life-story mirrors the triumphs and tragedies of Kenya’s struggle to entrench multi-party democracy and the rule of law into the fabric of the State. The book is a testament to his courage, determination and sacrifice in the cause of peace, development and public service.

We the People by Rev Timothy Njoya

KShs2,890.00 KShs2,500.00
Timothy Murere Njoya makes a decision to convert to Christianity. He is met with threats of a beating. The year is 1956. The Mau Mau had taken to the forest determined to win back the land stolen from them by British settlers. Now, Njoya has an all-consuming purpose. Based on his newfound sovereignty, he dedicates his life to restoring the people’s humanity and the country’s nationhood. His pursuit sees him thrice defrocked and, thrice left for dead, but he is thrice reinstated and thrice rises again, surviving against the odds to see the beginning of the realization of his dream—a Constitution based on the sovereignty of We the People.

The Africa I Want Poems BY Fatma Adam

The Poems cover a range of topics such as Domestic Violence, HIV/Aids, Corruption, Beauty and Love, among others. 'The Africa I Want' illustrates the author's critical and analytical thoughts on the Continent and highlights the underlying problems to social ills within the sixty captivating poems in her book. "The Africa I want is a powerful, thought- provoking and entertaining work of art" says publisher Africa Lense Media Limited. Her areas of interest include Gender rights, Politics and Leadership and Pan-Africanism. Her poetry has an element of activism towards social issues with the aim of provoking her readers to think differently on these issues.  

Peeling Back the Mask by Miguna Miguna

KShs4,500.00 KShs4,200.00
Peeling Back the Mask is an insider's account from one of the Kenyan Prime Minister's former adviser detailing instances of corruption and fraud at the highest level of Kenyan government. With massive online and media coverage, this book has become the spearhead of a national campaign to aspire to a new corruption-free Kenya. This remarkable book generated twenty thousand hits on the publisher website within hours of its announcement and Google reports Miguna Miguna is in the top five subjects searched online in Africa.

In the House of the Interpreter by Ng...

KShs999.00 KShs950.00
Renowned novelist, poet, playwright, and literary critic Ngugi wa Thiong’o was a student at a prestigious, British-run boarding school near Nairobi when the tumultuous Mau Mau Uprising for independence and Kenyan sovereignty gripped his country. While he enjoyed scouting trips and chess tournaments, his family home was razed to the ground and his brother, a member of the insurgency, was captured by the British and taken to a concentration camp. But Ngugi could not escape history, and eventually found himself jailed after a run in with the forces of colonialism. Ngugi richly and poignantly evokes the experiences that would transform him into a world-class writer and, as a political dissident, a moral compass to us all. A winning celebration of the implacable determination of youth and the power of hope, here is a searing account of the history of a man—and the story of a nation.

Facing Mount Kenya by Jomo Kenyatta

KShs1,990.00 KShs1,690.00
Brief Summary Facing Mount Kenya An eminent scholar and nationalistic leader presents a study of African tribal life as represented in his own Kikuyu society Full description

The Last Word by Yusuf Dawood

KShs990.00 KShs890.00
The Last Word by Yusuf Dawood concludes the quartet of the Surgeon's Diary - in book format. The other three are Yesterday Today and Tomorrow, Off my Chest, and Behind the Mask. The beautifully executed stories in the Last Word are adorned with occurrences from the author's extensive travels and medical experiences, some heart-rending and others with exultant endings. Dawood's stories are lit with humor and wit that make the myriad medical challenges seem surmountable. The stories though appearing in the Surgeon's Diary are fresh and authentic. Just like in the other three titles that form the quartet, the author has once again used his scalpel and pen with prowess to bring real surgical drama to our doorstep. Dawood, a celebrated surgeon and formidable author, has authored The Price of Living, One Life too Many, Water Under the Bridge, among others. The Last Word is his eleventh title. ISBN:2147483647 Author:Yusuf K. Dawood

Unbowed by Wangari Maathai

KShs1,790.00 KShs1,500.00
Born in a rural Kenyan village in 1940, Wangari Maathai was already an iconoclast as a child, determined to get an education even though most African girls then were uneducated. In her remarkable and inspiring autobiography, she tells of her studies with Catholic missionaries, earning bachelors and master's degrees in the United States, and becoming the first woman both to earn a PhD and to head a university department in Kenya. She tells of her numerous run-ins with the brutal government of Daniel arap Moi and of the political and personal reasons that compelled her, in 1977, to establish the Green Belt Movement, which spread from Kenya across Africa, and which helps restore indigenous forests while assisting rural women by paying them to plant trees in their villages. Maathai's extraordinary courage and determination helped transform Kenya's government into the democracy in which she now serves as Deputy Minister for the Environment and Natural Resources and as a Member of Parliament. Eventually her achievement was internationally recognized in the Nobel Peace Prize, awarded in recognition of her 'contribution to sustainable development, human rights, and peace'. In Unbowed, we are in the presence of a hugely charismatic yet humble woman whose remarkable story carries with it an inspiring message of hope. Hers is an extraordinary story, spanning different worlds and changing times, and revealing what the courage, determination, tenacity and humour of one good woman can achieve; how as small a thing as planting a seedling and watering it can made all the difference in the world.

Through My African Eyes by Jeff Koinange

KShs3,890.00 KShs3,500.00
"Through My African Eyes!” is a concise narrative covering some of the major players in 20th century African politics. The book is rich with insights into the personal and intellectual underpinnings of many historical events in Africa. Chronicles of some pretty interesting Africans from warlords, soldiers, victims and politicians lend insight into Jeff’s celebrated journalistic style. Through his eyes we are made to understand the role of journalist’s as binders of our social fabric. "Through My African Eyes” is very informative and quite humorous, utilizing a modern quick precise narrative style. He is able to describe complex global geopolitical issues with incisive analysis. The book surf’s one through the experience with speed and historical accuracy. We see the visual the words impart, rather than being stuck in prose. The best part is being able to walk the journey informed by a largely Kenyan perspective. Jeff outlines clearly how biased reportage can splinter any society and promote its disintegration by pandering to people’s lowest instincts. The narrative draws out lesser-known aspects of his life. Jeff’s unblinking examination of his grandfather’s life is historically illuminating and serves as a symbolic bridge between the beginning and the end of colonialism. Jeff is the first African ever to win a Television Emmy and a George Foster Peabody. He merited the Vernon Jarrett Award as well as the prestigious! ‘Prix Bayeux’ for reportage that arrested global crises."