"If what I am thinking is true, then she is dead. She could not have survived the kind of journey I went through," said Majok.
n"She could have tried to start the journey, right?"
n"Right," Majok agreed.
n"Let's begin with the positive side - that she is alive somewhere. The question is, where?" pursued Paul.
nWhen a helicopter bombs their school, Achal Dong does not comprehend what the violence is all about. When masked gunmen attack their home, the danger is real and she runs for her life. She begins her long journey that finally takes her to Nairobi where she struggles with an identity crisis and craves the good things in life.
nStarLit Readers is a new series targeting lower secondary school students. The series is also recommended for other readers looking for modern stories told in a powerful and highly refreshing fashion. The readers in this series will certainly keep you turning the pages.
nMiriam Maranga-Musonye holds a PhD in Literature from the University of Nairobi, where she teaches. She has conducted research on the plight of children. Miriam enjoys storytelling and believes in the intrinsic beauty of literary art and its ability to illuminate social issues.