Showing 641–660 of 682 results

The Dumpsite Puzzle

This is serious and dangerous," Uncle Ben said after listening to our story. He then warned us not to mention it to anyone. n n"Boys, you will now let the police take it up from here. Do not, and I repeat, do not go to that area again," Sergeant Keroi added. "Can we accompany the police to show them the hidden gate?" I asked thoughtlessly. n n"NO!" The cry came from both mothers. It was all so dangerous. n nStarLit Readers is a series targeting Junior School learners in the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC). The series is also recommended for other readers looking for modern stories told in a powerful and highly refreshing fashion. The books in this series will certainly keep you turning the pages.

Twelve Months

Tasha finds herself in a new school courtesy of her father's corporate ambition. As she struggles to settle in, she nearly ruins her life in a fast-paced staccato occasioned by the company she keeps.

The Hunter is Back

Rita is faced with trials that seem to seal her fate. Political power, big money, and betrayal in her family have conspired to ruin her family forever. After a regrettable past, a stressful present and a clearly bleak future, will she be able to overcome the forces of evil?

The Burdens

Wamala, an erstwhile Cabinet Minister of a country in post-independence Africa, was detained for plotting with foreigners to overthrow the government. When released he failed to reconcile himself with the life of abject poverty and nagging family obligations. n nAct I poses the problem deceptively as if the argument going on is the familiar one of the neglected wife exploiting sympathy from her two children and using it to fight the husband. n nIn Act II, with rapidly increasing tension, both wife and husband bring up their past and end by having their greatest confrontation. The impression at the end of Act II is that this is the last moment of choice for Wamala: to find his feet as a man or to go under finally. Act III reveals the aftermath of his choice. n nJohn Ruganda has maintained a keen interest in theatre since his student days at Makerere University College, where he graduated with an honours degree in English Literature. n nHe is a lecturer in the Department of Literature at the University of Nairobi. His two full-length plays, Black Mamba and Covenant with Death are published by the East African Publishing House. Study Guide to 'The Burdens' by E. Kitonga is also available.

The Trials of Brother Jero

Brother Jeroboam is a self-professed man of God who preaches water but drinks wine. He has managed to convince a group of people that he is God's prophet with divine powers to have their dreams fulfilled. Through this, he takes advantage of his faithful who are just too eager to be told what they want to hear. Like many of the 'prophets' we see everywhere today, Brother Jero, as he likes to be called, has managed to keep his followers in a tight grip of spiritual slavery. When Chume, his faithful assistant and heir apparent, discovers the real man behind the mask, Brother Jero won't stop at anything to make sure that he is 'well taken care of'!

Glass Houses

Kito Makato, now the undisputed head of his family, is in for a rude awakening. Things are fast getting out of hand on the home front as his wife of twelve years, Kawira, discovers that ‘there is no peace without truth’ and, under pressure from an old friend, decides to lay bare her controversial past. Arguing that ‘God made woman to keep recreating her man over and over again’ and that ‘No man is a hero to his wife; even if she is a bushwoman,’ Kawira, a woman on several missions, uses silence; persuasion, threats, wit, sarcasm and whatever other ammunition she can think of to puncture all the bubbles thrown in her way. So, is anyone out there bold enough to throw stones into her territory ‘when we all live in glasshouses’?

Musa na Shamba la Shule

Wazo la kuanzisha shamba la shule linawafanya wanafunzi wa Mukibi's Educational Institute for the Sons of African Gentlemen kuandaa mgomo baridi. Kwa madai yao wenyewe, wako shuleni 'kusomea mitihani' wala si kuwa mashokoa wa mwalimu mkuu, Mzee Mukibi. Hata hivyo, hakuna aliye tayari kumkabili mwalimu mkuu kwa kuhofia kuonekana muasi. Masaibu ya Musa na marafiki zake yanazidi kufuatia 'kutoweka' kwa nguruwe dume, na kuku sita kuibwa. Mwalimu mkuu naye ameapa kufanya juu chini kuwanasa wezi.

Musa na Bahati Nasibu

Musa na King Kong wanakumbwa na uhitaji mkubwa wa pesa. Ili kukidhi haja hii, wanaibuka na wazo la kuandaa mchezo wa bahati nasibu. n nMusa analazimika kutafuta zawadi ya kushindaniwa katika shule yao, Mukibi's Educational Institute for the Sons of African Gentlemen. n nIngawa wanafanikiwa kupata zawadi - gari kutoka kwa Nick Molo - mchezo wao unakumbwa na mashaka. n nKwanza, mwalimu mkuu, Mzee Mukibi, anawapokonya tiketi za mchezo. Kisha, inabainika kuwa gari lenyewe ni la kuibwa. n nPesa wanazozipata nazo zinaishia mikononi mwa hasimu wao ...

Musa Mpigakambi

Musa na King Kong wanabaki bila mahali pa kulala baada ya ‘maonesho’ yao ya fataki kuteketeza kimakosa mabweni katika shule yao _ Mukibi's Educational Institute for the Sons of African Gentlemen. Walioathiriwa na mkasa huo wanalazimika kupiga kambi kwenye mahema ukingoni mwa mto. n nKatika harakati za kuchimba shimo la kutia mhimili wa hema, King Kong anachimbua mfuko wenye vito vya thamani. Pamoja na wenzake, wanashindwa kujiwekea siri ya ugunduzi huo mkuu, na muda si mrefu, wanajipata katika matatizo makubwa.

Musa Kwenye Harakati

Wanafunzi katika Mukibi's Educational Institute for the Sons of African Gentlemen wanaenda nyumbani kwa likizo fupi. Hata hivyo. Musa na King Kong wana mpango tofauti. Wanaamua kuitumia fursa hiyo kujifurahisha mjini Tororo. n nWakiwa mjini Tororo, wanakutana na Finito anayewashawishi washiriki katika 'hafla' yake ya uponyaji (kwa malipo) na wanakubali. Musa anapanda jukwaani. Anapogeuka kuutazama umati uliojaa fujo, anakabiliana ana kwa ana na naibu wa mwalimu mkuu. Bw Karanja. Baada ya kufaulu kutoroka, na hata kuwakwepa polisi, wanaapa kufanya juu chini ili kuvuka mpaka. Je, hatima yao itakuwaje?

Musa na Rafiki wa Barua

Ari ya kuwasiliana na marafiki wa barua inashabikiwa sana katika Mukibi's Educational Institute for the Sons of African Gentlemen. Si ajabu kwamba Musa na King Kong wamo katika wimbi hilo la msisimko. n nKando na hayo, Kasali — mvulana mgeni — anatengeneza mvinyo kwa mashine aliyoificha kwenye bweni. Kila anayeuonja anakiri kwamba ni mvinyo mzuri sana, na hata kuhusudu hall ya baadaye ya Kasali katika biashara ya mvinyo. Hata hivyo, majaribio anayoifanyia fomyula ya mvinyo huo inabadilisha pakubwa historia ya Taasisi ya Mukibi.

Musa kwenye Sokomoko

"Kumleta mwanafunzi wa kike mahali kama hapa huenda kukawa balaa kubwa!" Anasema Bw Karanja, naibu wa mwalimu mkuu katika Mukibi's Educational Institute for the Sons of African Gentlemen. Bw. Mukibi, hata hivyo anaiona hiyo kuwa hatua nzuri sawa na wavulana wa shule hiyo pindi wanapopata habari hizo za kusisimua. n nJuli Sekabanja anaamua kwamba Musa na King Kong ndio wahusika hasa anaowahitaji ili kumsaidia kunasa genge la majasusi. n n'Musa kwenye Sokomoko' ni hadithi ya tano katika msururu wa Visa na Vituko vya Musa, vilivyoandikwa na Barbara Kimenye.

Musa Mashakani

Visa na Vituko vya Musa ni tafsiri ya Moses Series vilivyoandikwa na Barbara Kimenye, na ambavyo vinaangazia hali ya maisha ya wanafunzi shuleni mwao. Mbali na kuwa vinaburudisha na kuchekesha kwa visa mbalimbali vinavyomkumba Musa, yapo mafunzo mengi anayopata msomaji. Tafsiri hizi zinadumisha mvuto na mnato wa kazi asilia, na zitakupa shauku ya kusoma hadithi yote ili kujua hatima ya kisa chenyewe. Si jambo geni kwa Musa kuwa mashakani. Safari hii, yeye na marafiki zake katika Mukibi's Educational Institute for the Sons of African Gentlemen wanafanya mgomo wa kimzaha kuhusu chakula wanachopewa shuleni. Mwanzoni, wanauona mzaha huo kuwa murua. Hata hivyo, Mwalimu mkuu, Bw Mukibi, hafurahishwi – yeye si mtu wa kuficha hisia zake.

Musa na Pepo

Musa, King Kong na wanafunzi wengine wa Bweni nambari 3 hawaamini kwamba kuna pepo. Lakini gimba hili la kutisha linalonyapanyapa kwenye uga wa shule yao ni kitu gani? Madoadoa ya ajabu ya 'damu' yametoka wapi? Na ni nani anayetoa kicheko cha kutisha nje ya mlango wa nyumba ya Bi Namukasa? Naibu wa mwalimu mkuu, Bw Karanja, anaamini kuwa ni wanafunzi wa Bweni nambari 3 wanaofanya mzaha. Kwa hivyo Musa na wenzake wanaamua kufanya juu chini kumnasa pepo huyu la sivyo atawafanya watimuliwe shule. 'Musa na Pepo' ni kitabu cha sita katika msururu wa Visa na Vituko vya Musa, vilivyoandikwa na Barbara Kimenye.

Musa na Mildred

Musa anatarajia mambo yamwendee vyema muhula huu, kinyume na masaibu yaliyotawala muhula wa kwanza katika Mukibi's Educational Institute for the Sons of African Gentlemen. Ana matumaini ya kumwonesha rafiki yake, King Kong, kipenzi chake, Mildred. Hata hivyo, mambo yanaanza vibaya na kutumbukia nyongo. Kwanza, kuna mvutana mgeni, Magara, ambaye ni dhatirnu. Kisha, King Kong anabwagwa kwenye kinyang'anyiro cha kiranja wa bweni. Halafu, Mildred anatoweka. 'Musa na Mildred' ni kitabu cha pill katika msururu wa Visa na Vituko vya Musa, vilivyoandikwa na Barbara Kimenye.

Musa na Watekanyara

Siku ambayo mimi na King Kong tulitekwa nyara ilianza kama Jumamosi nyingine yoyote ile... Anasimulia, Musa, mwanafunzi mtundu zaidi ya wote nchini Uganda, mwanzoni mwa kisa chake cha nne. Naibu wa mwalimu mkuu, Bw Karanja, anaamua kuwa ni lazima marafiki hao, Musa na King Kong, wanyolewe. Wanapofika mjini asubuhi, wanafurahia uhuru wa kutokuwa shuleni - hadi gari aina ya Mercedes Benz linapotokea na kukatiza ghafla raha yao. n n'Musa na Watekanyara' ni kitabu cha nne katika msururu wa Visa na Vituko vya Musa.


Musa Kibaya anatimuliwa kutoka shule yake ya sita. Anahisi kwamba hii ni rekodi katika umri wake wa miaka kumi na mitano pekee, ingawa kwa namna fulani anaionea fahari. Hofu yake tu ni jinsi Mjomba wake, Silasi, atakavyolichukulia suala hili... n nSilasi anapogundua kutimuliwa kwake, anampeleka Musa katika shule yake ya saba, Mukibi's Educational Institute for the Sons of African Gentlemen. Kumbe, hapo ndipo vituko vya Musa vinapoanza. n'Musa' ni kitabu cha kwanza katika msururu wa Visa na Vituko vya Musa, vilivyoandikwa na Barbara Kimenye.

Moses and the Ghost


Is there really a ghost haunting Mukibi's Educational Institute for the Sons of African Gentlemen? Moses, his friend King Kong, and the rest of the gang in Dormitory 3 don't believe in ghosts. That is, they are pretty sure they don't. But then who, or what, is the weird white figure flitting about the school compound at night? Where did the mysterious bloodstains come from? And who was responsible for the sinister laughter outside Miss Namukasa's door?

The deputy headmaster, Mr Karanja, believes he has the answer to all these questions: it's Dorm 3 trying to be funny. So HM and KK, together with Rukia, Itchy Fingers and the rest, set out to grab the ghost before it gets them all expelled.

This is the sixth of Moses' witty chronicles of life in Uganda's most awful school.

Moses and the School Farm

The idea of starting a school farm was not received with enthusiasm by the students at Mukibi's Educational Institute for the Sons of African Gentlemen. Weren't they there to study for their examinations? But before they know what's happening, everyone is busy clearing land, planting, and weeding. What if they end up with blisters on their hands and aching muscles? What if the agricultural tools are as ancient as the hills? n nSoon Moses and his friends are in trouble once more. The pigs have escaped, six chickens have been stolen, a fox is on the loose, and the headmaster is determined to find the culprits. n n'Moses and the School Farm' is the eleventh title in the adventures of Barbara Kimenye's mischievous Ugandan schoolboy.

Moses and the Raffle

The idea of starting a school farm was not received with enthusiasm by the students at Mukibi's Educational Institute for the Sons of African Gentlemen. Weren't they there to study for their examinations? But before they know what's happening, everyone is busy clearing land, planting, and weeding. What if they end up with blisters on their hands and aching muscles? What if the agricultural tools are as ancient as the hills? n nSoon Moses and his friends are in trouble once more. The pigs have escaped, six chickens have been stolen, a fox is on the loose, and the headmaster is determined to find the culprits. n n'Moses and the School Farm' is the eleventh title in the adventures of Barbara Kimenye's mischievous Ugandan schoolboy.