The '
Certificate Geography' series takes the learner on an exciting journey through the captivating world of geography. The series is written by a team of subject experts and comprehensively covers the Geography syllabus for secondary schools.
nIn this revised Student's Book for Form 1:
n - Complex concepts are simplified.
n - Current statistics and up-to-date examples are incorporated.
n - Understanding is enhanced through numerous relevant illustrations and attractive photographs.
n - Learning is made interactive through activities and discussion points integrated within the topics.
n - Geographical vocabulary is highlighted and explained through the Geographical terms section in every topic.
n - Sample examination papers at the end of each topic to help the learner prepare for examinations.
n - An insightful and colourful Resource section at the end of the book further enhances the learning process through sharp images.
nOther books in the series:
n - Certificate Geography Form 2
n - Certificate Geography Form 3
n - Certificate Geography Form 4
nA Teacher's Guide is also available for each level.