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The PPEC: SR.12 In the Countryside

In the Countryside nKirimi's family and Ali's family go to the countryside during the holidays. They have interesting experiences.

The PPEC: SR.11 A Present for Aunt

A Present for Aunt nAwino makes a present for her aunt. She has an interesting journey to her aunt's home.

The PPEC: SR.10 Kantai and the Cows

Kantai and the Cows nThere is no grass for the cows. Kantai and his family leave their home to go to a place that is not dry.

The PPEC: SR.9 The Old Cat

The Old Cat nOld Cat is not happy. She does not like the food she eats.

The PPEC: SR.8 Lost Parcels

Lost Parcels nChao and Wakio find a lost bag and return it. They lose a parcel.

The PPEC: SR.7 Wasike and the Birds

Wasike and the Birds nWasike mistreats a small bird and a mouse. The animals teach him a lesson.

The PPEC: SR.6 Lazy Little Zebras

The Lazy Little Zebras nKimutai and Cheruto like Grandmother's stories. Grandmother tells them a story about lazy little zebras.

The PPEC: SR.5 Blue Flowers

Blue Flowers n nKarisa and Kabibi play with their friends near the river. Kabibi sees blue flowers in the river.

The PPEC: SR.4 A Reel of Cotton

A Reel of Cotton n nMayaka cannot find his reel of cotton. He goes out to look for it.

The PPEC: SR.3 Our Market

Our Market n nMother goes to the market. The children played 'market' at home as they waited.

The PPEC: SR.2 Emma, Jim and the Goats

Emma, Jim and the Goats n nThe goat is eating Emma's dress. Emma wants a new dress.

The PPEC: SR.1 Kadogo at School

Author: Oxford ISBN: “9780195723960”