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Design Your Life Personal Planner ...

KShs4,500.00 KShs3,500.00
Design Your Life Personal Planner  is an essential planning tool in life organization, designed to help you identify and map out the big picture in your life and break it down into executable actions. It has the bonus point of having both planner and journal features. Some features include: Vision Board, Finance Planner, Goal Setting, Monthly Planning and Review, Weekly Planning and Review, Daily Habit Tracker, Rating, Journaling pages and so much more.

Design Your Life Personal Planner ...

KShs4,500.00 KShs3,500.00
Design Your Life Personal Planner is an essential planning tool in life organization, designed to help you identify and map out the big picture in your life and break it down into executable actions. It has the bonus point of having both planner and journal features. Some features include:
  • Vision Board,
  • Finance Planner, Goal Setting,
  • Monthly Planning and Review,
  • Weekly Planning and Review,
  • Daily Habit Tracker, Rating,
  • Journaling pages and so much more.

Design Your Life Personal Planner ...

KShs4,500.00 KShs3,500.00
Design Your Life Personal Planner is an essential planning tool in life organization, designed to help you identify and map out the big picture in your life and break it down into executable actions. It has the bonus point of having both planner and journal features. Some features include: Vision Board, Finance Planner, Goal Setting, Monthly Planning and Review, Weekly Planning and Review, Daily Habit Tracker, Rating, Journaling pages and so much more.

Think You Can by Ivan Mawanda

KShs2,000.00 KShs1,499.00
Brief Summary No one stops you to think even though it seems like it is the hardest work, that’s why very few engage in it. No dream is too big, no challenge is too great, and nothing we want for our future is beyond our reach. By thinking, I mean that you stop what you are doing, concentrate on the subject or problem that must be solved and force yourself to come up with a new idea or solution. I am greatly irritated by some people who have a mantra: “Life is hard”. Often when I hear them say this, I am tempted to ask, “Compared to what?” As the cliche goes, life is what you make it. If you think it’s hard, it is hard. If you think it’s easy, it will be easy. It all begins and ends with your thinking. Everything is possible; your-dreams, your ideas, your inventions, your visions. Never let anyone tell you that you can’t. Think you can and it will be. Beloved, this book Think you can emphasizes your progress beyond imagination, aggressive but dignified yet frank-filled in nature. This is a noble tool to build and encourage the voice of reason with every opportunity that avails itself so that you can have an excellent tale ending. Read keenly every chapter then you’ll humbly understand when or how to seek knowledge and integrate it with your choices. This will make you assess life in a constructive way. Think you can or think you can’t; either way you’re right. We are what we repeatedly do; excellence is therefore not an act but a habit. Never be bullied into silence, never allow yourself to be made a victim; never accept one’s definition of your life, define yourself. “You can’t stop people from talking about you; but you can stop giving them what to talk about”, and the worst thing to being blind is to have sight with no vision. Make it your ambition to live a quiet life, to mind your own business and work with your own hands. Have a positive mindset, Learn how to handle fear. It is never too late to start so don’t give up no matter how hard it gets, you have what it takes to be successful? Just go for it and make a difference. My life experience sometime back when I communicated to some people that I wanted to write this book, not all but some asked me, “Ivan... Why are you so ambitious? Hmmm… and the challenge is you don’t listen, have you any idea how difficult it is?” Guess why? To cut the long story short, I silently ignored their critics and kept my cards for myself inclined to work harder since these friends were misleading me with a bad attitude or faulty thinking. I knew none of them was God to predict my ability. All learning begins with a simple phrase, “I don’t know” but some people believe they completed learning the moment they stepped out of school. How mistaken they are? Without imagining that each person was given the brain to think, we must be good stewards with them and consciously think more every day…”Brain storming”. No matter how you run, you still have yourself to deal with; this could be circumstances or in the mindset. The single most important decision in your life other than regretting is to read this factual inspirational book, with God all things are possible...then happiness will be 100% your responsibility.