Father’ is the noblest title a man can be given. It is more than a biological role. It signifies a patriarch, a leader, an exemplar, a confidant, a teacher, a hero and a friend. Fatherhood is one of the most awesome gifts that God has given to men--its both a privilege and a responsibility. Fathering makes a man, whatever his standing in the eyes of the world, feel strong and good and important, just as he makes his child feel loved and valued
The Father’s Heart encourages men to father with the knowledge that they are vitally important to the futures of their children. This book discusses the implications of a fatherless home, the challenges of
parenting, and the hierarchy of fathers. There are absent fathers, present yet uninvolved fathers, authoritative fathers, loving fathers, teaching fathers, and many more.
Any man, through The Father’s Heart, can assess himself, see where he stands, and make choices to
become a real Dad and to unleash the Father’s Heart and love