Showing 581–600 of 1329 results

War Child A Child Soldiers Story by E...

KShs1,599.00 KShs1,520.00
Brief Summary In the mid-1980s, Emmanuel Jal was a seven year old Sudanese boy, living in a small village with his parents, aunts, uncles, and siblings. But as Sudanese civil war moved closer with the Islamic government seizing tribal lands for water, oil, and other resources Jal’s family moved again and again, seeking peace. Then, on one terrible day, Jal was separated from his mother, and later learned she had been killed; his father Simon rose to become a powerful commander in the Christian Sudanese Liberation Army, fighting for the freedom of Sudan. Soon, Jal was conscripted into that army, one of 10,000 child soldiers, and fought through two separate civil wars over nearly a decade. But, remarkably, Jal survived, and his life began to change when he was adopted by a British aid worker. He began the journey that would lead him to change his name and to music: recording and releasing his own album, which produced the number one hip-hop single in Kenya, and from there went on to perform with Moby, Bono, Peter Gabriel, and other international music stars. Shocking, inspiring, and finally hopeful, War Child is a memoir by a unique young man, who is determined to tell his story and in so doing bring peace to his homeland. ISBN:9780312383220 Author:Emmanuel Jal

Amedeo The True Story of an Italians ...

KShs1,699.00 KShs1,615.00
Brief Summary War-time love story set in Abyssinia, Eritrea and the Yemen 1935-1945. Amedeo Guillet is still alive and living in County Meath, Ireland. Khadija is lost. This is the story of Amedeo Guillet – an Italian calvary officer who was sent out to Abyssinia as part of Mussolini’s army to establish and command a troupe of 2,000 Spahis – or Arabic calvary. He met and fell in love with Khadija – a beautiful Ethiopian Muslim. Together they held up the British lorries heaving up the mountain road to Asmara and blew up the important Ponte Aosta. Eventually captured, Amedeo went on the run disguised as an Arab, eventually making it to Yemen, only to be thrown in jail. This is a rare view of the Second World War from an Italian perpective; particularly valuable are the chapters that tell the story of Italian resistance to the Nazis, and their subsequent withdrawal from Italy in 1943. There are few stories more cinemagraphic than this – Fascist Italy, his early years in Ethiopia commanding the Cossack-like Spahis, the brutal Abyssinian war waged by the Duce, Italian and British colonial rivalry; Amedeo led the last ever cavalry charge the British army faced (Eritrea 1941 – they were massacred by tanks and sub-machine guns), defeat and guerrilla warfare against the British; then flight, disguised as an Arab, imprisonment in the Yemen and a great love lost as he leaves his beloved Khadija behind to face her future alone and returns to Italy, to his fiancée and a career as a distinguished Italian diplomat and Arabist. Amedeo is still alive and living in County Meath, Ireland. Sebastian O’Kelly is a journalist for the Mail and Telegraph and has Amedeo’s full co-operation in writing this book. This is a very valuable and absolutely stunning story, beautifully told by O’Kelly. ISBN:9780006552475 Author:Sebastian OKelly

Travels in the White Mans Grave by Do...

KShs1,299.00 KShs1,235.00
Brief Summary At the beginning of the 1950s, the interior of West and Central Africa was still known to most of the outside world as the 'White Man's Grave' and consisted of vast expanses of mysterious and threatening primeval forest. When Donald MacIntosh, 23-year-old Gaelic-speaking Scottish forester, was offered a position in Nigeria in 1954, it was a dream come true and he found himself posted to the hot, cloying humidity of those fabled lands. During the next 30 years he was to wander through some of the most remote areas of West Africa where he operated as a forest botanist. There he listened to the tales of ancient Africa from the lips of hunters, fishermen, chiefs and witch doctors from a vast diversity of tribes in myriad encampments. He drank palm wine with them and attended their village dances and ceremonies under the tropic moon. He had many adventures with the creatures of the forest, from the magnificent leopard to the instantly fatal spitting cobra. The sinister arcanum of primitive Africa is never too far away from the surface in this book, encountering a host of characters along the way - with exotic names like 'Magic T. Sperm' and 'Famous Sixpence' - whose stories are all told here. ISBN:9781897784839 Author:Donald Macintosh

I Did not Do It for You How the World...

KShs2,500.00 KShs2,190.00
Brief Summary Scarred by decades of conflict and occupation, the craggy African nation of Eritrea has weathered the world's longest-running guerrilla war. The dogged determination that secured victory against Ethiopia, its giant neighbor, is woven into the national psyche, the product of cynical foreign interventions. Fascist Italy wanted Eritrea as the springboard for a new, racially pure Roman empire; Britain sold off its industry for scrap; the United States needed a base for its state-of-the-art spy station; and the Soviet Union used it as a pawn in a proxy war. In I Didn't Do It for You, Michela Wrong reveals the breathtaking abuses this tiny nation has suffered and, with a sharp eye for detail and a taste for the incongruous, tells the story of colonialism itself and how international power politics can play havoc with a country's destiny.

A pastoral democracy by Ioan Lewis

KShs2,799.00 KShs2,660.00
Brief Summary A Pastoral Democracy: A study of pastoralism and politics among the Northern Somali of the Horn of Africa (1961, reprinted with a new introduction in 1982) First published in 1961, shortly after establishment of the independent Somali Republic, the first step towards the formation of a 'Greater Somalia', brought this North-East African Muslim nation a prominence which it had not enjoyed since the British campaigns against the 'Mad Mullah' in the first two decades of the twentieth century. Somali nationalism, however, cannot be properly understood without a knowledge of the indigenous social organization. This study by a social anthropologist describes the political system of the Northern Somali nomads in their arid ecological setting, where competition for access to water and pasture, especially in the dry season, is acute and leads to frequent and often long-drawn-out feuds. In this warlike society political status depends very largely on numerical strength. Political loyalties based on kinship are organized through a form of Social Contract which distinguishes the pastoral Somali political system from otherwise similar political structures. Today this traditional organization is being challenged in areas where cultivation has recently been adopted, and in towns which are the foci of modern developments. Somali nationalism, drawing much of its strength from the unifying force of Islam, is an important factor. With the continued dedication of the majority of the population to pastoral nomadism, however, traditional clan and contractual loyalties inevitably play an important part in party politics. This analysis has proved to be of interest not only to anthropologists and Africanists, but also to students of Islamic society and of comparative political institutions. ISBN:9783825830847 Author:Ioan Lewis

Making and Breaking States in Africa ...

KShs4,799.00 KShs4,560.00
Brief Summary This book analyzes crucial episodes in the recent political history of the Somali people. In their complicated dialogue with "modernity", the Somalis illustrate the extremes of modern African statehood. In contemporary "Somalia" which, for twenty years has not been a functional political reality, they have produced a failed state par excellence. In the neighboring and smaller Somaliland Republic, however, they have achieved what is widely regarded as one of the more effective states in the continent. Ironically while dysfunctional Somalia, despite its collapse, is still internationally recognized, functional Somaliland has yet to receive formal recognition ISBN:9781569022900 Author:Ioan Lewis

Saints and Somalis Popular Islam in a...

KShs3,699.00 KShs3,515.00
Brief Summary Popular Islam in a Clan Based Society. This collection of essays based on first-hand anthropological field research spanning many years, brings together in a single volume the authors collected material on characteristics of popular Islam amongst the Somali of the Horn of Africa. Rigorous, outspoken, and backing his arguments with reflections based on a lifetime of research and scholarship, Lewis makes a major contribution to understanding the place and role of religion in Somali society. ISBN:9781569021033 Author:Ioan M Lewis

Becoming Somaliland African Issues by...

KShs2,399.00 KShs2,280.00
Brief Summary When does a country become a state? On 18 May 1991, the leaders of the Somali National Movement and the elders of northern Somali clans proclaimed that they were setting up the new Republic of Somaliland. Why has Somaliland not followed Somalia into 'state collapse'? Over the past fifteen years the people of Somaliland have peacefully and successfully managed a process of reconciliation, demobilisation, the restoration of law and order, economic recovery and reconstruction. Why has Somaliland yet to be recognised by the international community? The international system purports to promote 'good governance' in Africa. Somaliland has had one of the most free series of elections in the region. Yet this new republic still has no international legal status, while Somalia, which has had no effective government since 1990, is still accorded de jure sovereignty. Should a unitary government be re-established for all of Somalia? Since the collapse of the Somali state international diplomacy has supported fourteen peace conferences, each focusing on re-establishing Somalia as a whole. Yet it is Somaliland which challenges the typical image of war, disaster and social regression associated with this part of Africa since the 1990s. MARK BRADBURY is a development consultant who has worked extensively in North East Africa Published in association with Progressio; North America: Indiana U Press; South Africa: Jacana; Uganda: Fountain Publishers ISBN:9781847013101 Author:Mark Bradbury

Understanding the Somalia Conflagrati...

KShs3,999.00 KShs3,800.00
Brief Summary Somalia has been devastated by a US-backed Ethiopian invasion and years of civil war, and it has long been without a central government. Against this background of violence, Somali academic Afyare Abdi Elmi, attempts to explain the multiple dimensions of the conflict and find a peace-building consensus. Somalia is a failed state and a Muslim state. This combination means the West assumes that it will become a breeding ground for extremism. The country regularly hits the headlines as a piracy hotspot. This combination of internal division and outside interference makes for an intensely hostile landscape. Elmi shows that only by addressing the problem of the statelessness in the country can the long process of peace begin. He highlights clan identities, Islam and other countries in the region as the key elements in any peace-building effort. This unique account from an author who truly understands Somalia should be required reading for students and academics of international relations and peace / conflict studies. ISBN:9780745329741 Author:Afyare Abdi Elmi

The Law of the Somalis A Stable Found...

KShs3,599.00 KShs3,420.00
Brief Summary This book details many striking features of Somali customary law. It is compensatory, for example, rather than punitive. Instead of being imprisoned or otherwise punished, law breakers are required to compensate their victims. A victim seldom fails to receive compensation, moreover, because every Somali is insured by near kin against his or her liabilities under the law. Being based on custom, Somali law has no need of legislation or legislators, hence is happily free of political influences. Even so, the author points out areas in the law that are in need of change. These do not require legislation, however; many desirable changes, such as ending restrictions on the sale of land and enhancing the status of women, are implicit in economic development. As for the Somali political system, not only is there no need to set up a democracy, the author clearly shows why any attempt to do so must inevitably produce chaos. This book by a trained and sympathetic observer shows how, viewed in global perspective, Somali law stands with the Latin and Medieval laws and the English common law against the statutory law that originated in continental Europe with the modern nation state. It explains many seeming anomalies about present-day Somalia and describes its prospects as well as the dangers facing it. Born in Zeist, the Netherlands, in 1933, Michael van Notten graduated from Leiden University in Law and was admitted into practice in Rotterdam. He later served with a New York law firm and directed the Institution Europaeum, a Belgium-based policy research organization. In the early 1990s, he became interested in the prospect of Somalia developing in the modern world of a stateless society, and for the next twelve years, he studied Somali customary law. A keen analyst of the intricacies of clan politics, he traveled fearlessly in war-torn Somalia. He died in Nimes, France, on June 5th, 2002 ISBN:9781569022504 Author:Michael van Notten and Spencer Heath MacCallum

Warriors Life and Death Among the Som...

KShs2,499.00 KShs2,375.00
Brief Summary This superb portrait of one of the world's most desolate, sun-scorched lands, inhabited by fiercely independent tribesmen, is Rageh Omer's favorite book on his native land. A grueling description of a little-known aspect of WWII. Warriors describes a group of British Army soldiers charged with preventing bloodshed between feuding tribes at a remote outstation in Somalia. Hanley turns this period of his life, difficult time that drove seven officers to suicide, into a devastating critique of imperialism. ISBN:9780907871835 Author:Gerald Hanley

Culture and Customs of Somalia by Moh...

KShs2,999.00 KShs2,850.00
Brief Summary Somalia, the Horn of Africa nation, is finally recovering from recent wars and famine. Written by a native Somali, Culture and Customs of Somalia gives students and interested readers an in-depth look at the land and people, past and present. It is the only accessible, comprehensive, and up-to-date general reference on this country. Somalia was once colonized by Europeans, but Abdullahi's superb survey, with its historical context, evokes a Somaliland from a Somali viewpoint. This Muslim country has strong pastoral roots and is known as a land of poets with a long oral cultural tradition. Some highlights found herein include discussion of handcrafts and artisanry, distinctive architecture and nomad housing, camel culture, intriguing food and eating customs, rites of passage, leisure and economic pursuits, education, and the Somali musical genres. A chronology, glossary, and numerous photos enhance the text. ISBN:9780313313332 Author:Mohamed Diriye Abdullahi

The New Scramble for Africa by Padrai...

KShs4,299.00 KShs4,085.00
Brief Summary Once marginalized in the world economy, the past decade has seen Africa emerge as a major global supplier of crucial raw materials like oil, uranium and coltan. With its share of world trade and investment now rising and the availability of natural resources falling, the continent finds itself at the centre of a battle to gain access to and control of its valuable natural assets. China's role in Africa has loomed particularly large in recent years, but there is now a new scramble taking place involving a wider range of established and emerging economic powers from the EU and US to Japan, Brazil and Russia. This book explores the nature of resource and market competition in Africa and the strategies adopted by the different actors involved - be they world powers or small companies. Focusing on key commodities, the book examines the dynamics of the new scramble and the impact of current investment and competition on people, the environment, and political and economic development on the continent. New theories, particularly the idea of Chinese "flexigemony" are developed to explain how resources and markets are accessed. While resource access is often the primary motive for increased engagement, the continent also offers a growing market for low-priced goods from Asia and Asian-owned companies. Individual chapters explore old and new economic power interests in Africa; oil, minerals, timber, biofuels, food and fisheries; and the nature and impacts of Asian investment in manufacturing and other sectors. The New Scramble for Africa will be essential reading for students of African studies, international relations, and resource politics as well as anyone interested in current affairs. ISBN:9780745647845 Author:Padraig Risteard Carmody

Africa and the War on Drugs by Neil C...

KShs2,599.00 KShs2,470.00
Brief Summary Nigerian drug lords in UK prisons, khat-chewing Somali pirates hijacking Western ships, crystal meth-smoking gangs controlling South Africa's streets, and narco-traffickers corrupting the state in Guinea-Bissau: these are some of the vivid images surrounding drugs in Africa which have alarmed policymakers, academics and the general public in recent years. In this revealing and original book, the authors weave these aspects into a provocative argument about Africa's role in the global trade and control of drugs. In doing so, they show how foreign-inspired policies have failed to help African drug users but have strengthened the role of corrupt and brutal law enforcement officers, who are tasked with halting the export of heroin and cocaine to European and American consumer markets. A vital book on an overlooked front of the so-called war on drugs. ISBN:9781848139695 Author:Neil Carrier and Gernot Klantschnig

Hope for Africa Voices from Around th...

KShs1,299.00 KShs1,235.00
Brief Summary One Question, Countless Answers Twenty organizations involved in the myriad of causes related to Africa were asked a seemingly simple question: "Why save Africa?" The result was an unprecedented book composed of a collection of compelling perspectives from around the world. Hope for Africa is made up of short essays from large, internationally recognized non-profits; small grassroots charities; and everything in between. These groups have responded to the question with extraordinary vigor and compassion that will inform and inspire you. Additionally, Hope for Africa features true stories and testimonials from individuals who explain, in their own voices, why they have been drawn to helping this land. This eye-opening book also gives back--a portion of the proceeds from Hope for Africa will be donated to the contributing charities. ISBN:9781578263080 Author:June Eding

Capital Flight from Africa Causes Eff...

KShs4,599.00 KShs4,370.00
Brief Summary This edited collection provides the most comprehensive thematic analysis of capital flight from Africa, covering economic and institutional aspects, as well as domestic and global dimensions. It is organized in three parts. The first part discusses the importance of capital flight in the context of the development policy discourse at national and international level. This part takes stock of the existing evidence on the nature, causes, and consequences of capital flight. It provides the most recent data on the magnitude of capital flight from 39 African countries, and a detailed analysis of the impact of capital flight on economic development in general and on poverty reduction in particular. The second part examines economic factors and impacts of capital flight. It presents analysis of capital flight in a flow of funds context, the impact of capital flight on macroeconomic outcomes with a focus on growth, and the linkages between capital flight and monetary policy, financial liberalization, and the global financial system. The third part explores the domestic and international institutional environment and its relevance for capital flight and stolen asset recovery. It discusses the role of governance, tax evasion, and secrecy jurisdictions in driving capital flight. The last part of the book offers suggestions for strategies to address the problem of capital flight from African countries. ISBN:9780198718550 Author:S Ibi Ajayi and Leonce Ndikumana

Kenya Policies for Prosperity by Chri...

KShs26,000.00 KShs25,700.00
Brief Summary This is the first volume in a new series Africa: Policies for Prosperity. For the first time in more than a generation, sustained economic growth has been achieved across the continent - despite the downturn in global economic fortunes since 2008 - and in many countries these gains have been realized through policy reforms driven by the decisive leadership of a new generation of economic policymakers. The process of reform is continuous, however, and the challenge currently facing this new generation is how to harness these favourable gains in macroeconomic stability and turn them into a coherent strategy for sustainable growth and poverty reduction over the coming decades. These challenges are substantial and encompass the broad remit of economic policy. Each volume in this series brings leading scholars into the policy arena to examine these challenges and to lay out, in a rigorous but accessible manner, key challenges and policy options facing policymakers on the continent. Kenya has experienced a period of high and sustained growth since the mid 1990s, growth that has involved economic transformation away from a heavy reliance on traditional economic activities towards an emerging manufacturing economy. But this process, and the economic and social stability that had come to characterize Kenya, have been severely tested by the post-election violence of 2008. Restoring equitable growth and sustaining the structural transformation of the economy is essential if Kenya is to leave this period behind. The chapters in this volume address the key issues that will face economic policy makers in the coming years. They cover the conventional but central questions of finance and macroeconomic management, but also much deeper structural issues of trade, employment generation and education; of land policy, migration and urbanization; and the fiscal challenges facing an ageing but increasingly urbanized, and increasingly affluent, society. ISBN:9780199602377 Author:Christopher Adam Paul Collier and Njuguna Ndungu

Rebuilding Somaliland Issues and Poss...

KShs3,999.00 KShs3,800.00
Brief Summary Somaliland is "Africa is best kept secret," according to South African academic Iqbal Jhazbay. Somaliland has earned this description owing to its extraordinary achievements in the 12 years since its declaration of independence. Despite being unrecognized and almost entirely ostracized by the international community, Somaliland has, following a brutal war with Somalia is now defunct dictatorship, rebuilt much of its severely damaged infrastructure, repatriated half a million refugees and removed thousands of mines from the ground. In addition, Somaliland has maintained a comparatively decent human rights record and has made significant progress towards the establishment of a constitutional democracy. Rebuilding Somaliland: Issues and Possibilities is the fruit of an extensive research project initiated in 1998 by the former War-torn Societies Project (WSP), now WSP International, in partnership with a local institution, the Academy for Peace and Development. It aims to present a "self-portrait of Somaliland" and the challenges facing it at the turn of the century. This book also documents the animated, often controversial debates on the future direction that needs to be taken in such areas as: • Decentralization of government institutions • Media and political reconstruction • Regulating the livestock economy • Impact of the war on the family Functioning as more than records of research and debate, more than essays on post-war rebuilding, these contributions provide a unique insight into the future that the people of Somaliland want for themselves and for their children. As such, the essays are in many ways a blueprint for Somaliland as it seeks to regenerate itself into a peaceful, mature society that will earn the respect and recognition of the international community. ISBN:9781569022290 Author:War torn Societies Project

Putting the Cart Before the Horse by ...

KShs2,899.00 KShs2,755.00
Brief Summary Putting the Cart Before the Horse: Contested Nationalism and the Crisis of the Nation-State in Somalia Challenging the assumption that a common culture can form the basis for national solidarity, this volume considers the interpretive conflict between lineage-based and territorial paradigms of national identity in Somalia. Sample topics include the links between nationalism and local economic circumstances; nationalist resistance movements in southern Somalia; and changing gender roles among Somalis in exile. A diverse group of contributors includes academics representing a range of disciplines as well as a journalist and a civil engineer. ISBN:9781569022030 Author:Abdi Kusow

The Dragonfly Sea by Yvonne Adhiambo ...

KShs2,990.00 KShs2,890.00
Brief Summary From the award-winning author of Dust comes a vibrant, stunning coming-of-age novel about a young woman struggling to find her place in a vast world--a poignant exploration of fate, mortality, love, and loss. On the island of Pate, off the coast of Kenya, lives solitary, stubborn Ayaana and her mother, Munira. When a sailor named Muhidin, also an outsider, enters their lives, Ayaana finds something she has never had before: a father. But as Ayaana grows into adulthood, forces of nature and history begin to reshape her life and the island itself--from a taciturn visitor with a murky past to a sanctuary-seeking religious extremist, from dragonflies to a tsunami, from black-clad kidnappers to cultural emissaries from China. Ayaana ends up embarking on a dramatic ship's journey to the Far East, where she will discover friends and enemies; be seduced by the charming but unreliable scion of a powerful Turkish business family; reclaim her devotion to the sea; and come to find her own tenuous place amid a landscape of beauty and violence and surprising joy. Told with a glorious lyricism and an unerring sense of compassion, The Dragonfly Sea is a transcendent story of adventure, fraught choices, and of the inexorable need for shelter in a dangerous world.