Showing 81–100 of 1233 results

More from less by Andrew McAfree

KShs2,200.00 KShs1,990.00
This turn of events invalidates the predictions of overpopulation alarmists and those who argue we need to drastically reduce our conception of how much is enough. What has made this turnabout possible? One thing primarily: the collaboration between technology and capitalism. Capitalism’s quest for higher profits is a quest for lower costs; materials and resources are expensive, and technological progress allows companies to use fewer of them even as they grow their markets. Modern smartphones take the place of cameras, GPS units, landline telephones, answering machines, tape recorders and alarm clocks. Precision agriculture lets farmers harvest larger crops while using less water and fertiliser. Passenger cars get lighter, which makes them cheaper to produce and more fuel-efficient. This means that, even though there’ll be more people in the future, and they’ll be wealthier and consume more, they’ll do so while using fewer natural resources. For the first time ever, and for all time to come, humans will live more prosperous lives while treading more lightly on the Earth. The future is not all bright, cautions McAfee. He warns of issues that still haven’t been fully solved. (For example, our oceans are still vulnerable to overfishing; global warming is still running largely unchecked; and even as 'dematerialisation' - the reduced need for raw materials - improves our global situation, power and resources are getting more concentrated. That creates an even larger division between the haves and the have nots.)

Entrepreneurship Hits And Misses by E...

I did not get into business to avoid challenges but to face them head-on, I thought–this is why I constantly fill my diary. If any aspiring entrepreneur finds this diary, I intend to spar conversations about the why, what, where, when, how and how much of entrepreneurship. I intend for it to encourage those in this journey to understand that they are not alone and that if they can be a little more resilient, a little more passionate, a little more focused, a little more open to learning, they can also achieve the 20 years overnight success that they see with others.

Sell Me This Pen by Eunice Maina Mburu

KShs2,000.00 KShs1,500.00
Nothing happens until someone sells something, You cannot get that job until you sell your skills, you cannot build a business until you sell your products and services. Selling is the key skill that separates ‘Wannapreneurs’ from accomplished entrepreneurs. Eunice Maina weaves a story of fortitude, grit, desire to succeed, and persistence that sees her grow in the insurance industry to be a celebrated award-winning sales agent and entrepreneur. Grow from an average salesperson to a sales superstar through the distilled lessons in, Sell me this… Pen.

The Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind I...

KShs999.00 KShs699.00
A Must read for Every Entrepreneur, Aspiring Business Leaders And Business Owners to Acquire Wealth in the Next Level

The Guy Who Fired His Boss by Sam Kar...

KShs2,000.00 KShs1,590.00

The Guy Who Fired His Boss is a book you must need to read if you are starting a new business or building one.  It has helped many entrepreneurs find their space and given others the courage to start.  Those who have been in business they have had their motivation renewed and those who feel lost rediscover the direction of their business.

Triad – The Three Dimensional Investm...

Thompson Great treasures both within and without, are only realised when we trade off our appetites, our conveniences, and traditions of comfort. You can never arrive at a place of effectiveness out of convenience. There is a price-paid to achieve any level of greatness. Only those willing to trade-off their present pleasures, will have future relevance. Your relevance will always lose colour when you trade off your garment of diligence to comfort. Thus, the glory and the colour of your results, are in the health of your current investment. The most precious gift given us is our minds. It is what allows us to imagine, think, and memorise. It helps us to learn, love, think, create and even experience enormous pleasures and joy. It is the gateway to our emotions, our capacity for deeply experiencing life, and also our ability to resolve as well as intimacy. It helps us to innovate, grow and accomplish. The great author and philosopher Napoleon Hill once said, “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the body can achieve.” In short, whatever your mind can call for, your hands can hold out. This book has been written to get your mind to a place of achieving effective and divine results. Every human being is after results, more so successful results. However, not every success is effective, and not every result is impactful. God created us to be successful but effective at the same time. “Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty well and preserved body, but rather, to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out and loudly proclaiming ‘wow! What a ride!'” – Hunter S

Reminiscing Wonderland

KShs1,200.00 KShs1,100.00
Praise for Dr. Mong'are Bw'Onyancha's Reminiscing Wonderland “Interesting stories! ...some brought me to tears. Others were enthralling. I was moved by Molo's life story and captivated by the coming of age stories.” Cindy, Editor “Reminiscing Wonderland. The narrator's imagination perceives his new school as a magical dreamland, a 'Once upon a time perfect home 'until he encounters 'stains' which threaten to curtail his aspirations. His learner's enthusiasm, just like in the novel, The African Child, is without parallel. He is like an arrow on the hunter's bow, ready to go. Molo is one of the hurdles he has to overcome. Superficially, Molo is portrayed as a cold, stone-hearted troublemaker. Yet, the writer delves into his stained life. By the end, the reader sympathizes with the concept of his being, relationships, and nurturing (compare with the novels, A Grain of Wheat and Crime and Punishment, where main characters don't have close trusted relationships and how they reap what they sow). Good defeats evil, and there is the hope of redemption and support systems to the purest of state. With the passage of time and increase in human activities, all life in Wonderland will be altered in some way (Paradise Lost, Wonderland Stained).”

Sakagwa Ng’iti: A Kisii Prophet

KShs1,200.00 KShs1,000.00
Sakagwa Ng'iti exerted substantial influence on Gusii society and beyond in the latter part of the 1800s. He was many things: a medicine man, rainmaker, an unelected community strategist in dealing with raids from the warring Maasai and Kipsigis, and a prophet whose many prophecies have come to pass, according to those that keenly follow his story. His death was mysterious, leaving many wondering what really happened. Did he, as some accounts claim, eventually settle among the Kipsigis? Was he carried away by chisokoro (ancestors) to join them in the netherworld as happened with Jesus of Nazareth? How come that his spiritual roles (seer, medicine man, and rainmaker) that ran in the family, waned and eventually died off? Peter Okari Nyambasora's Sakagwa Ngi'ti, a Kisii Prophet provides some answers to these questions. It traces the emergence of Sakagwa as a prominent player in Gusii of his time, even as he had no formal power accorded by clan, tribe or lineage. Compiled from oral tales, one on one interviews with family members, and written works, the book provides the most authoritative account of Sakagwa yet written.

Who are the Top Billionaires in Afric...

KShs1,200.00 KShs1,000.00
The solutions to Africa’s problems lie with the entrepreneurs. They must be willing to exploit the opportunities hidden in the problems; through ethical business practice. The entrepreneurs are the change agents that will create jobs, generate wealth and enable economic development in the continent. This book is about making it as an entrepreneur irrespective of where you start. Ibeto started with nothing. Strive Masiyiwa started with $75. What problem do you want to solve? Learn from the great sons of Africa. Power of Action removes PROCRASTINATION Power of Experience makes one WISER Power of Tenacity and Integrity creates life- long VALUE

Vyama Institutions of Hope

KShs1,200.00 KShs1,000.00
This book makes the case for informal sector institutions in development theory. Through practical examples and interviews conducted in Kenya, the author captures how ordinary people organize themselves to meet daily economic and development challenges. The author traces how ordinary people (wananchi) use non-mainstream mechanisms in the form vyama (social groups) to enable individual, group and community development. The book offers insights into the evolution of vyama (institutions of hope) and the role these institutions continue to play in realizing economic growth: wealth creation and distribution; investments, social protection; and general community development. The work shows how, despite historical disruptions, modernization and neo-liberal policies, ordinary people creatively borrow from tradition. In the process, they use collective mechanisms for resource mobilization, investment, risk-sharing and shared gains for the common good. The author offers pointers into the future and how the chama concept can become mainstream in a people’s economic development. What others say “The analysis is rigorous. It is highly original, emotive, and an excellent piece of work. It makes a major contribution to our knowledge of the proto-proletariat and the informal sector in the developing world. - How the author beautifully weaves anecdotes from classical African novels into her analysis to reinforce her argument makes this work distinctive and unique.” - Professor MBK Darkoh, University of Botswana “This book is based on real life cases in an area that most scholars have not ventured into. It is a major addition of new findings in the body of knowledge. The presentation is clear, understandable and would appeal to most readers.” –Paul Kamau, PhD, Senior Research Fellow, University of Nairobi “The strength of this book is the way it has managed to present the lives of the ordinary people as not hopeless, but rather the base where future development for Africa could be emerging. The book starts from the grassroots and the development actions and innovations taking place there based on the needs as experienced by the ordinary people, rather than the technical fixes of development experts that follow the books rather than the actual needs of the people being developed.” – Professor Beth Maina Ahlberg, PhD, Professor of International Health, Uppsala University “This book demonstrates how ordinary citizens have discovered the power in tapping into social relations and are proactively solving their own socio-political and economic challenges. It calls for the incorporation of the ordinary citizen in development planning with a view of enabling them to receive value from and add value to the globalization and integration process. For anyone who is interested to see Africa play an important role in the global agenda, this is not a book to be ignored.” -- Josephat Juma, Managing Editor, The African Executive magazine.

Wanjiku in Global Development

KShs1,400.00 KShs1,200.00
In Kenya, the name 'Wanjiku' epitomizes the ordinary person, the citizen, in the context of national socio-political and socio-economic discourse. The origins of the name are in the often heated national debates on political, economic, and rights-related issues where elite self-interest often takes precedence. Aligned with economic thinking from western schools of thought, the elite often acts without much attention to Wanjiku's daily challenges of survival or completely ignores her well-developed modes of survival as a demonstration of a sound system worth paying attention to. In Wanjiku in Global Development: Everyday Ordinary Women Livelihood Economy in Kenya, Kinyanjui captures Wanjiku's systematic approach to day-to-day activities that undergirded participants' and society's common good. Call it the Wanjiku Business Model. In the true spirit of Ubuntu, market women (Wanjiku) operate within a set of unwritten rules that assure optimization of collective good from interacting among themselves and with others. The Wanjiku Business Model is well illustrated through a number of case studies that further capture its sound basis. Kinyanjui presents a major lesson we can learn from Wanjiku, namely: life does not have to be about cutthroat competition, winners and losers!

Sculpted by Design by KEMIRIMO D. OKUJA

The book is the first volume of the History of Uganda from the Biblical perspective. Most of our early history is founded on mythology, folklore or evolution. In this book, you get to read the Bible as the life manual written by God for the reader, the dreamer, and the one on a quest to make meaning out of life. God did not merely throw words around and out came this world. Like the sculptor and engineer, He carefully and masterfully placed His Words in the universe as valuable trinkets. He unveiled over seven days, a most delightful and perfect maze, our world. This world includes Africa, it includes Uganda and all who live within its boundaries.

Business Conquest by Ian Dennis

KShs1,500.00 KShs1,200.00
The Business Conquest takes you on a journey based on real life stories and case studies of Kenyan entrepreneurs with Business Nuggets from a Business Coach. Endorsed by Chris Kirubi, Rina Hicks and Darshan Chandaria.

Mastering your money by Chacha Nyaigo...

KShs1,500.00 KShs1,200.00
Mastering Your Money is a timely financial guide that every person needs in the quest to attain personal financial freedom. This manual demystifies the concept of money, helps you to improve the way you relate with money, examines the main causes and possible remedies of your financial problems, provides essential skills on how to cope with disasters like Covid-19 and challenges you on how to budget, save, invest ad protect your assets.

The Gusii of Kenya by John S. Akama

KShs1,800.00 KShs1,600.00
The Gusii of Kenya: Social, Economic, Cultural, Political & Judicial Perspectives provides in-depth topical insights of the Gusii (also known as the Kisii) of Kenya. The book captures historical aspects of the Gusii and how they ended up occupying their present lands. It enunciates the group’s cultural, political and economic organization that are core to the group’s identify and overall survival. Reading the book would provide understanding of some noticeable elements of these perspectives that persist to date. Cultural aspects such as the rites of passage and weddings, part of core identity elements of a people, are well articulated. Social organization, starting at the homestead to clan to community level, was intricately woven to form a coherence whole that defined the Gusii. Indeed, this also formed a basis of core elements of code of conduct (chinsoni) and justice as traditionally administered. The book also raises a number of questions regarding the core character of the Gusii such as lack of central authority and the implications this has had on the community over time. One can only speculate the trajectory of history that would have been had the Gusii organized themselves differently.

Gusii Soapstone Industry:Critical iss...

KShs1,000.00 KShs800.00
As is the case with most African indigenous industries, not much research has been done on the Gusii soapstone industry. Consequently, the main aim of this book is to fill the identified gap. Specifically, this book traces the origin of the Gusii soapstone industry, going through various stages, i.e. the Pre-Colonial, Colonial and Post-Colonial periods. Within this historical context, the book provides an elucidation of the social, economic, political and cultural factors that have impacted on the evolution and/or development of the soapstone industry. A critical issue captured in the book is the fact that, over the years, the soapstone handicraft products have been transformed from being items of utility for the local people to, mainly, becoming non-utility items that are sold to outsiders, particularly international tourists as unique pieces of indigenous handicraft and/or African art. However, it should be noted that, notwithstanding this transformation, indigenous cultural attributes and/or cultural themes that would have otherwise disappeared, due to increased impacts of globalization, are being preserved by the sculpturing of unique indigenous soapstone products. Furthermore, currently, the soapstone industry has become a major source of livelihood for the Gusii people of Tabaka in Southwestern Kenya. This book provides a lucid articulation of various facets (i.e., social, economic, cultural and political perspectives) of the Gusii soapstone industry, and the fundamental factors that have made the industry survive, over the years, notwithstanding the introduction of mass produced goods from the Western world. The conceptualization of the role of the indigenous industry in promoting sustainable livelihood is clearly brought out, and is presented within the broader milieu of the Gusii society. The book provides excellent reading for anyone interested in having proper perspectives on the history and the overall development of the Gusii soapstone industry. Elkanah Ong’esa, a world renowned artist and soapstone sculptor. As much as the soapstone sculptures are found in museums, art galleries, curio shops and people’s homes in most major cities of the world, not much research and documentation of these unique indigenous industry initiatives has been done. In light of that, this book on the Gusii soapstone industry fills a critical niche and is quite handy for people from all walks of life and academia looking for up to date information on the Gusii soapstone industry. Dr. Margaret Barasa, Anthropolinguistic Expert, and Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Kisii University, Kenya. Most literature on African indigenous industries, such as soapstone mining, carving and marketing, is based on Eurocentric approach which looks at these industries and African art as exotic items for the pleasure of Western gentry and middleclass. Adopting an Afrocentric approach, this book provides a refreshing analysis of the history, transformation and growth of the Gusii soapstone industry; an indigenous initiative that has evolved, systematically, over the years, and has shown a lot of resiliency in the face of many complex challenges. The book is recommended to people who want to have a proper perspective of similar indigenous industries and the Gusii soapstone industry in particular. Matunda Nyanchama, Publisher. This book looks at the resilience of the soapstone industry in Gusii. It shows that the soapstone carvings as currently developed by the Gusii people may have its origin in ancient traditions that dates back to hundreds and perhaps thousands of years. It also gives a good historical analysis of the growth and development of the soapstone industry. It will goes a long way in illuminating critical aspects of the Gusii soapstone industry. Herman Kiriama, Senior Research Fellow, Kisii University, Kenya.

Wealth Beyond Generations by Karumba ...

KShs2,000.00 KShs1,500.00
Drawing from a rich profession and personal experience, this book is a  useful primer for conversations with your family's next generations that will set them on the path to self-reliance and success.

It’s About Time – Your Blueprint For ...

Key Features Stay organized and focused Get more done Achieve your goals Earn more money Increase your productivity

How to invest in the Stock Market ...

KShs2,000.00 KShs1,500.00
To succeed in stocks, know the right stock, the right price and the right time.

Trading The Stock Market Profitably b...

KShs2,000.00 KShs1,500.00
The Book looks at Kenya Stock Market. Ways to make money buying and selling shares at the Kenya Securities Exchange and how to make profits on repeat mode.