Showing 81–97 of 97 results

NPPE: RS.7a – Hooked!

The NPPE Reading Scheme forms an important part of the New Progressive Primary English (NPPE) course. n nThe storybooks for each grade are specially written to emphasize specific language skills learnt in the main course. Here is a reading scheme that offers the modern child an excellent mix of graded stories all packed with many exciting things. Now the child has fun that's built to last.

Better Living Life Skills LearnerR...

'Better Living Life Skills' is a series specially written to provide practical experiences that support the acquisition of skills for the Competency-Based Curriculum. Books in the series have a wide range of activities that learners will find exciting and motivating. The activities are aimed at the acquisition and appreciation of the core competencies, values, and Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs). n n'Better Living Life Skills' Learner's Book Create Seven has: n
  • Starter activities which encourage learners to assess their knowledge and skills, raise their curiosity and enhance appreciation of the topics.
  • n
  • “What about you?” sections aimed at helping the learners understand themselves better and deal with various challenges.
  • n
  • Talk about it sections that encourage peer counselling as learners share experiences on various issues affecting them, hence promoting mental health new line.
  • n
  • “How can you help?” sections aimed at encouraging learners to serve their communities as they give advice on how to solve various problems.
  • n
  • Remember sections that reinforce vital ways of dealing with day-to-day challenges.
  • n
  • Digital activities aimed at integrating digital technology into learning.
  • n
  • Fun spot sections that make learning fun and exciting through invigorating activities.
  • n
  • Takeaway and Out of class activities that promote non-formal learning.
  • n
  • Assess yourself and reflection sections that encourage assessment of concepts learnt.
  • n
nA Teacher's Guide is available for each learner's book in the series. n nOxford your companion for success!

Health Education in Action Learner...

'Health Education in Action' is a series specially written to provide practical experiences that support the acquisition of skills for the Competency-Based Curriculum. Books in the series have a wide range of activities that learners will find exciting and motivating. The activities are aimed at the acquisition and appreciation of the core competencies, values, and Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs). n n'Health Education in Action' Learner's Book Grade 7: n
  • Is written in simple language that makes it easy for the learners to understand the concepts.
  • n
  • Contains well-designed activities that stimulate interest and thought-provoking questions that prompt learners to think about real-life issues and find solutions to problems.
  • n
  • Develops knowledge and practical skills that are essentially at home, school and in the community.
  • n
  • Has full-color pictures that work closely together, offering excellent language and conceptual support.
  • n
  • Includes assessment at the end of each unit that give learners an opportunity to test their understanding of the concepts covered in each topic.
  • n
nA Teacher’s guide is available for each learner's book in the series. n nOxford your companion for success!

Active Integrated Science LearnerR...

'Active Integrated Science' is a series specially written to provide practical experiences that support the acquisition of skills for the Competency-Based Curriculum. Books in the series have a wide range of activities that learners will find exciting and motivating. The activities are aimed at the acquisition and appreciation of the core competencies, values, and pertinent and contemporary issues (PCIs). n n'Active Integrated Science' Learner's Book Read 7 has: n
  • Numerous interactive activities to enable learners acquire practical skills to solve problems in their environment.
  • n
  • Key points sections that provide scientific facts and concepts learnt.
  • n
  • Assignment sections aimed at engaging learners outside the classroom.
  • n
  • Numerous exercises for self-evaluation by the learners.
  • n
  • Digital activities aimed at integrating digital technology into learning.
  • n
  • Challenge sections to enhance critical thinking and problem-solving skills in learners.
  • n
nA Teacher's Guide is available for each Learner's Book in the series. n nOxford your companion for success!

Alive Christian Religious Studies Lea...

Author: Hezron Onyango David Ndegwa Jane Mbugua David Karuri ISBN: “9789914440393”

Business Studies Today Learner’...

'Business Studies Today' is a series specially written to provide practical experiences that support the acquisition of business skills for the Competency-Based Curriculum. Books in the series have a wide range of activities that learners will find exciting and motivating. The activities are aimed at the acquisition and appreciation of the core competencies, values, and Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs). n n'Business Studies Today' Learners book. Grade 7 has: n
  • Warm-up sections that enable the learners to have a glimpse of what they are going to learn.
  • n
  • Numerous interactive activities creatively presented to enable the learners to acquire business knowledge and skills.
  • n
  • Digital activities aimed at integrating digital technology into learning.
  • n
  • “Did you know?” sections that present the learners with interesting facts related to a topic.
  • n
  • Out-of-class activities aimed at engaging the learners outside the classroom through nonformal learning and parental engagement.
  • n
  • Reflection sections that offer the learners an opportunity for self-evaluation.
  • n
  • Case studies that help the learners relate what they have learnt to real-life situations.
  • n
  • Fun sports sections that provide breaks for the learners through fun stories and tasks.
  • n
  • Read and learn sections with key learnings in each strand.
  • n
  • Assessment sections that aid informative and summative assessment.
  • n
nA Teacher's Guide is available for each learner's book in the series. n nOxford your companion for success!

Computer Science Today Learner’...

'Computer Science Today' is a series specially written to provide practical experiences that support the acquisition of skills for the Competency-Based Curriculum. Books in the series have a wide range of activities that learners will find exciting and motivating. The activities are aimed at the acquisition and appreciation of the core competencies, values, and Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs). n n'Computer Science Today' Learner’s Book Grade 8 has: n
  • Numerous interactive activities to enable learners acquire practical skills to solve problems in their everyday lives.
  • n
  • Key points sections that provide facts on the concepts learnt.
  • n
  • Challenge sections to enhance critical thinking and problem-solving skills in learners.
  • n
  • Further activity sections aimed at encouraging learning outside the classroom.
  • n
  • Fun spots to reinforce learnt content.
  • n
  • Take away activities aimed at parental and guardian engagement.
  • n
  • Checkpoints for self-evaluation by the learners.
  • n
  • A Teacher’s Guide is available for each Learner’s Book in the series.
  • n
nOxford, your companion for success!

Pre-Technical Studies Today Learner&#...

'Pre-Technical Studies Today' is a series specially written to provide practical experiences that support the acquisition of skills for the Competency-Based Curriculum. Books in the series have a wide range of activities that learners will find exciting and motivating. The activities are aimed at the acquisition and appreciation of the core competencies, values and Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs). n n'Pre-Technical Studies Today' Learner's Book Grade 7 has: n
  • Numerous interactive activities enable learners to acquire practical skills to solve problems in their environment.
  • n
  • Key Points sections that provide scientific facts on concepts learnt.
  • n
  • Home activities aimed at engaging learning outside of the classroom - Check Points for self-evaluation by the learners.
  • n
  • Interactive exercises aimed at integrating digital technology into learning.
  • n
  • Challenge sections to enhance critical thinking and problem-solving skills in learners.
  • n

Active Mathematics Learner’s Bo...

'Active Mathematics' is a series specially written to provide practical experiences that support the acquisition of skills for the Competency-Based Curriculum. Books in the series have a wide range of activities that learners will find exciting and motivating. The activities are aimed at the acquisition and appreciation of the core competencies, values, and Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs). n n'Active Mathematics' Learners book Grade 7 has: n
  • Numerous interactive activities to enable learners acquire practical skills to solve problems in their environment.
  • n
  • Connect sections aimed at helping learners clearly understand the concepts developed in the activity.
  • n
  • Numerous exercises for self-evolution by the learners.
  • n
  • Reflect sections that allow learners to recap what they have learned during the lesson.
  • n
  • Extended activity sections to allow learners to engage family in the learning process.
  • n
  • Digital activity sections that allow learners to apply digital technology in learning.
  • n
  • A Teacher's guide is available for each learner's book in the series.
  • n
nOxford your companion for success.

Head Start English Learner’s Bo...


Head Start English is a series specially written to provide practical experiences that support the acquisition of language skills for the Competency Based Curriculum. Books in the series have a wide range of activities that learners will find exciting and motivating. The activities are aimed at acquisition and appreciation of the core competencies, values, and Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs).


Head Start English Learner's Book Grade 7 has :

  • Numerous interactive activities to enable learners acquire the four language skills-listening, speaking, reading and writing as well as to use grammar in context.
  • n
  • Focus on sections that provide explanation on different concepts. Extensive reading sections with simple texts provided to help the learner acquire knowledge and skills to analyze different genres of literature, such as poetry and literature and prose.
  • n
  • Out of class activities aimed at engaging the learners outside the class through nonformal learning and potential engagements.
  • n
  • Reflection section that offer the learners an opportunity for self-evaluation
  • n
  • Digital activities aimed at integrating digital technology in learning.
  • n
  • Challenge activities that enhance critical thinking and problem-solving skills as well as self-assessment of the concept slant in its theme.
  • n

A Teacher's Guide is available for each learner's book in the series.


Oxford, your Companion for Success.

The Goat Cartel

Sali, a city dweller, is unwillingly shipped off to Kajiado in the countryside for the Christmas holiday. Her cousin, Tiptip, picks her up at the bus station. The matatu trip with Tiptip is the beginning of an adventure as they make sense of strange happenings. In the process, Sali makes a discovery which throws her into a spin. n n'The Goat Cartel' is a must-read for beginners in literary analysis. It explores youth empowerment in fighting crime, women empowerment as well as love and family. n nStarLit Readers is a series targeting Junior School learners in the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC). The series is also recommended for other readers looking for modern stories told in a powerful and highly refreshing fashion. The books in this series will certainly keep you turning the pages.

Oxford Student’s Dictionary of ...

More words and more support to help you use English to study other subjects. n nUpper-Intermediate to Advanced n nOver 52,000 words, phrases and meanings in British and American English with curricular words highlighted nOver 500 new words from address bar to zero-carbon nCollocations and thesaurus boxes help you to expand your vocabulary n10 reference pages support your academic writing and improve your study skills nOver 200 diagrams and illustrations help you to understand and describe scientific and technical processes nOxford 3000 keywords show you the most important words to learn nWords from the Academic Word list are clearly marked. n nThe words you need to study ...Art. Biology. Business Studies. Computing. Geography, History, Literature. Mathematics, Music. Science. Sport. Travel and Tourism and much more ... in English!

Zawadi ya Thamani

Je, hatima ya maisha ya Nadia ni ipi? Ni zawadi gani ya thamani itakayomwokoa? Je, ni kujiamini kwake au ni ubunifu wake? Je, ni huruma au hisani yake? Je, ni shajara yake inayosema yale ambayo moyo wake unachelea kuyasema? Au labda ni Mwalimu Daniela ambaye amefanikiwa kukitegua kitendawili cha maisha yake? n n'Zawadi ya Thamani' ni hadithi ambayo imesimuliwa kwa lugha nyepesi yenye ubunifu na mvuto mkuu. Upekee wa hadithi hii umo katika uwezo wayo wa kumteka msomaji kuanzia mwanzo hadi mwisho, na wakati uo huo kumpa mafunzo anuwai kuhusu namna ya kukabiliana na changamoto za maisha. Hadithi hii imeangazia masuala mtambuko mbalimbali na kusawiri maadili yanayopendekezwa katika Mtaala wa Daraja ya Awali ya Shule za Sekondari.

The Hideaway

Kevin and Marto are on a vacation. On their way to an island off the coast, they make an unplanned stopover in the heart of the Tsavo which marks the beginning of a gripping adventure. They find themselves in the middle of a poaching syndicate as they try to unravel mysterious occurrences. Will they be able to get themselves out safely? n n'The Hideaway' is a thrilling story about tourism and conservation. n nStarLit Readers is a series targeting Junior School learners in the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC). The series is also recommended for other readers looking for modern stories told in a powerful and highly refreshing fashion. The books in this series will certainly keep you turning the pages.

Finding Colombia

Lex lives on the streets, with little to do apart from sniffing Jet Lee and minding his own business. Lex's uneventful life is interrupted when he is tracked down by the Anti-Drugs Agency (ADA) officers. They need Lex to help them: to work as an undercover agent to find Colombia, a notorious and influential but elusive drug baron. The criminal is said to be hiding in a rehabilitation centre. It is here that Lex is enrolled by the ADA for the covert operation and later starts his rehabilitation journey. n n'Finding Colombia' is a story of determination to rid society of drug and substance abuse and find purpose in life. n nStarLit Readers is a series targeting Junior School learners in the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC). The series is also recommended for other readers looking for modern stories told in a powerful and highly refreshing fashion. The books in this series will certainly keep you turning the pages. n nKICD APPROVED For Junior School

The Bizarre Bazaar

Suddenly, something descended on me and everything went black! My first instinct was to fight but my struggle was short-lived. I must have lost consciousness. n nWhen I opened my eyes, it took a while for me to realise that I was lying on the ground. My arms and legs, I realized, were tied with ropes. n nIn this riveting story, an adventure at a funfare turns dangerous when Marto and Kevin find themselves embroiled in a kidnap and carjacking saga. n nStarLit Readers is a series targeting Junior School learners in the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC). The series is also recommended for other readers looking for modern stories told in a powerful and highly refreshing fashion. The books in this series will certainly, keep you turning the pages.

The Dumpsite Puzzle

This is serious and dangerous," Uncle Ben said after listening to our story. He then warned us not to mention it to anyone. n n"Boys, you will now let the police take it up from here. Do not, and I repeat, do not go to that area again," Sergeant Keroi added. "Can we accompany the police to show them the hidden gate?" I asked thoughtlessly. n n"NO!" The cry came from both mothers. It was all so dangerous. n nStarLit Readers is a series targeting Junior School learners in the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC). The series is also recommended for other readers looking for modern stories told in a powerful and highly refreshing fashion. The books in this series will certainly keep you turning the pages.