Showing 721–740 of 837 results

Unmerited Favor by Joseph Prince

KShs3,500.00 KShs3,000.00
Brief Summary Receive your supernatural advantage for a successful life today! God wants you to succeed in every area of your life! And with His presence in your life, you can. His grace or unmerited favor can swing open doors of opportunities and place you at the right place at the right time for His blessings. Even if you lack the necessary qualifications, His unmerited favor can propel you forward. Discover in Unmerited Favor how everything that you touch can be blessed and how you can enjoy good success. Learn about what Jesus has accomplished on the cross for you, and how, through His perfect sacrifice, you can lead an overcoming life as God's beloved. Packed with new covenant truths on the unmerited favor of God and how you already have access to it through Jesus' finished work, Unmerited Favor is a must-read for anyone who wants to live the good life—God’s way. It's time for you to stop depending on your own efforts to succeed and to start depending on Jesus and Jesus alone for every success. Start living out the dreams that God has birthed in your heart today! " ISBN:9781616385897 Author:Joseph Prince

A Lineage of Grace by Francine Rivers

KShs3,590.00 KShs3,190.00
In this compilation of the five books in the best-selling Lineage of Grace series by Francine Rivers, we meet the five women whom God chose—Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary. Each was faced with extraordinary—even scandalous—challenges. Each took great personal risk to fulfill her calling. Each was destined to play a key role in the lineage of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the World.

He came to set the captives free by R...

KShs1,600.00 KShs1,390.00
For seventeen years, Elaine served her master, Satan, with total commitment. Then she met Dr. Rebecca Brown, who served her master, Jesus Christ, with equal commitment. Elaine, one of the top witches in the U.S., clashed with Dr. Brown, who stood against her alone. In the titanic life-and-death struggle that followed, Dr. Brown nearly lost her life. Elaine, finding a power and love greater than anything Satan could give her, left Satan and totally committed her life to Jesus Christ. In this honest, in-depth account of Satan's activities today, you'll see how to recognize and combat the many Satanists who regularly infiltrate and destroy Christian churches; recognize and combat satanic attacks; and recognize those serving Satan, and bring them to Jesus Christ.

Prepare For War

KShs1,295.00 KShs1,231.00
Brief Summary Do you know how Satan can use "doorways" including yoga, role-playing games, and meditation, to bring demonic destruction into your home? In this spiritual warfare manual, Rebecca Brown writes from seven years’ experience helping deliver many people out of hardcore Satanism. In this sequel to her best-selling book He Came to Set the Captives Free, you will learn to stand victoriously against Satan, deal with the dangerous New Age teachings, recognize and deal with satanic ritualistic abuse of children, minister in the area of deliverance, and handle the rarely discussed problems people face after deliverance. Satan hates you and wants to destroy you. To be victorious you must prepare for War. ISBN:9780883683248 Author:Rebecca Brown

Love and Respect by Emerson Eggerichs

KShs2,900.00 KShs2,499.00
Brief Summary Love and Respect: The Love She Most Desires; the Respect He Desperately Needs Based on over three decades of counseling, as well as scientific and biblical research, Dr. Emerson Eggerichs and his wife, Sarah, have already taken the Love & Respect message across America and are changing the way couples talk to, think about, and treat each other. What do you want for your marriage? Want some peace? Want to feel close? Want to feel valued? Want to experience marriage the way God intended? Then why not try some Love and Respect. A wife has one driving need? To feel loved. When that need is met, she is happy. A husband has one driving need? To feel respected. When that need is met, he is happy. When either of these needs isn’t met, things get crazy. Love & Respect reveals why spouses react negatively to each other, and how they can deal with such conflict quickly, easily, and biblically. What readers say about Love & Respect "I’ve been married 35 years and have not heard this taught.” "This is the key that I have been missing.” "You connected all the dots for me.” "As a counselor, I have never been so excited about any material.” "You’re on to something huge here.” Partner Love & Respect with the Love & Respect Workbook for Couples, Individuals, and Groups for an added experience. " "

Your Souls Compass

KShs1,395.00 KShs1,326.00
Brief Summary Your Soul's Compass: What Is Spiritual Guidance? Why am I here? What does a life worth living look like? What is the higher intelligence trying to express through me? In this time of global change and uncertainty, of spiritual indirection, Americans are asking these age-old questions with renewed curiosity. There’s a thirst for meaning and purpose—a dawning realization that happiness isn’t a commodity that can be bought with a gold card. Fulfillment and joy arise naturally from creative and compassionate action-- from the understanding that all life is interconnected and guided by a higher intelligence. Our personal choices make a difference, and when they are spiritually inspired even the smallest action serves a larger whole. Sacred texts ranging from the Torah to the New Testament, the Tao Te Ching to the Buddhist scriptures, the Vedantas to the Koran, speak of making life-enhancing choices where a force greater than the individual flows through us and informs our thoughts and actions. In this book we’ll focus on the three classic aspects of living such a spiritually guided life: • Alignment: maintaining a direct and personal connection to the Source of our Being; • Discernment: distinguishing the movement of Spirit in our lives from our own wants, fears and social conditioning; and • Action: making our best, most inspired contribution to the evolution of life. " ISBN:9781401907778 Author:Joan Z. Borysenko

So you call yourself a man

KShs1,995.00 KShs1,896.00
Brief Summary So You Call Yourself a Man? A Devotional for Ordinary Men with Extraordinary Potential T.D. Jakes introduces readers to men of the Bible in this devotional favorite. The readings help men realize that God created them to be free, powerful, and filled with purpose. Each short devotional includes a reading, Scripture, and suggestion for prayer. 60 devotional readings challenging men to be free, powerful, and filled with purpose; instruments of love and reconciliation. " ISBN:9781577780267 Author:T. D. Jakes

Philosophy and Religion from Plato

KShs2,395.00 KShs2,276.00
Brief Summary Philosophy and Religion from Plato to Postmodernism From the works of the Greek philosophers to the Postmodernist theories of Jacques Derrida and Richard Rorty, this authoritative survey encompasses over two thousand years of interaction between philosophical and religious though. Exploring the various ways in which philosophy can relate to the monotheistic religions, the author tracks five key approaches in a carefully structured and accessible manner. Following a chronological pattern, these five chapters consider both major and less well-known philosophers, and feature detailed coverage of: • Plato, Aristotle and the Ancient Greeks • Philosophy and theology in St Augustine and Thomas Aquinas reason, agnosticism and the works of Kant and Kierkegaard • Linguistic Analysis, religion and Wittgenstein • Postmodernism and religion: Heidegger, Derrida and Rorty Accompanied by full reference notes, this thorough and up to date text is essential reading for all students and thinkers who wish to know more about philosophy, religion and the diverse ways in which these two fields have come together over the centuries. ISBN:9781851683079 Author:Max Charlesworth

The Selfless Gene

KShs1,290.00 KShs1,226.00
Brief Summary The Selfless Gene: Living with God and Darwin. In THE SELFLESS GENE, Charles Foster assesses the claims of Neo-Darwinists and Young Earth Creationists, demonstrating that orthodox Christianity is not incompatible with what evolutionary biology says about our world. The real issue, he argues, centers around the ethical implications of natural selection, and what such a system - based on selfishness, waste and death - might say about the loving creator God of the Christian faith. Intelligent, provocative and accessible, THE SELFLESS GENE offers the prospect of a reasoned dialogue between faith and scientific study, and a reconciliation of what are popularly seen as two opposing worldviews. ISBN:9780340964415 Author:Charles Foster

What Happens When Women Pray

KShs795.00 KShs756.00
Brief Summary What Happens When Women Pray is a practical and biblical book about prayer? Its teachings have been tested in hundreds of prayer seminars all over the world, as both men and women have learned to pray in more personal and believing ways. What Happens When Women Pray will show you how to move into the dynamic that occurs when people pray? It just might change your life or the life of someone you know and love. Since 1968, Evelyn Christenson has led prayer seminars worldwide. Millions of readers have enjoyed Evelyn's books, which include, "Lord, Change Me" and "Praying God's Way." Evelyn lives in St. Paul, Minnesota. ISBN:9780896939752 Author:Evelyn Christenson

God Is Not Mad At You

KShs1,750.00 KShs1,663.00
Brief Summary God Is Not Mad at You: You Can Experience Real Love, Acceptance & Guilt-free Living When bestselling author Joyce Meyer posted "God's not mad at you" on Facebook, she didn't anticipate that her words would trigger thousands of responses of gratitude and relief. Apparently many Christians struggle to reconcile their perception of God as both a loving parent and a stern judge. In GOD IS NOT MAD AT YOU, Joyce will help those who haven't truly received God's love because they are afraid of His anger and disapproval. She explores the source of this confusion, so His genuine character can be better understood and His love can be experienced on an entirely new level. Chapter titles include: • Perfectionism and Approval • The Pain of Rejection • Guilt and Shame • Developing Your Potential • Run to God, Not from Him • Getting Comfortable with God ISBN:9781455517473 Author:Joyce Meyer

The Map of Heaven

KShs1,995.00 KShs1,896.00
Brief Summary The Map of Heaven: How Science, Religion, and Ordinary People Are Proving the Afterlife The author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Proof of Heaven teams up with the sages of times past, modern scientists, and with ordinary people who have had profound spiritual experiences to show the reality of heaven and our true identities as spiritual beings. The Map of Heaven takes the broad view to reveal how modern science is on the verge of the most profound revolution in recorded history—all around the phenomenon of consciousness itself! When Dr. Eben Alexander told the story of his near-death experience and his vivid journey to the other side, many readers wrote to say it resonated with them profoundly. Thanks to them, Dr. Alexander realized that sharing his story allowed people to rediscover what so many in ancient times knew: there is more to life, and the to the universe, than this single earthly life. Dr. Alexander and his co-author Ptolemy Tompkins were surprised to see how often his readers’ visions of the afterlife synced up with each other and with those of the world’s spiritual leaders, as well as its philosophers and scientists. In The Map of Heaven, he shares the stories people have told him and shows how they are echoed both in the world’s faiths and in its latest scientific insights. It turns out there is much agreement, across time and terrain, about the journey of the soul and its survival beyond death. In this book, Dr. Alexander makes the case for heaven as a genuine place, showing how we have forgotten, but are now at last remembering, who we really are and what our destiny truly is. ISBN:9781476766393 Author:Eben Alexander

Let it Go by T.D. Jakes

KShs1,595.00 KShs1,516.00
Let it Go: Forgive So You Can Be Forgiven. T.D. Jakes, New York Times bestselling author of Reposition Yourself, Making Great Decisions, and more than a dozen other titles, now presents this book on forgiveness, demonstrating once again why he is called "a spiritual genius,” a "master of meeting mankind eye to eye,” and one of America’s best preachers. He understands that he and fellow Christians share spiritual truths "that transcend time and culture and reflect a universal understanding of human nature.” The spiritual truth he explores in Let It Go concerns forgiveness and why it is important for those on the receiving end of wrongful behavior as well as those who commit acts of wrongdoing. "Forgiveness is a big idea and it works best when it is invested into people who have the courage to grasp the seven-foot-high idea of what’s best for their future rather than the four-foot-high idea of recompense for what has happened in their past,” Jakes writes in Let It Go. This book explores forgiveness as an idea and at the same time offers specific and clear actions for readers who seek to apply the idea in their daily lives. Offenses are a part of life, he says. But conflicts can be resolved and relationships do have a future, if we learn how to forgive. No matter how great or small the injustice, Jakes shows how the matter can be put behind you for the sake of a better tomorrow if you can Let It Go.

From the Cross to Pentecost

KShs1,595.00 KShs1,516.00
Brief Summary From the Cross to Pentecost: God's Passionate Love for Us Revealed In From the Cross to Pentecost, Bishop T. D. Jakes shares a magnificent depiction of the "Greatest Love Story” ever told” the love story between God and man. For those who’ve wondered about the relevancy of Jesus Christ’s life, His death on the Cross, and His resurrection from the dead, this book can answer those questions once and for all. As a master storyteller and powerful biblical expositor, the Bishop shines a light on how the tragic Fall of mankind blocked access to the tree of life, yet how God grants us access to eternal life through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross, opening the way to receive God’s abundant life through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. You’ll delight in discovering that God’s gift of the Holy Spirit not only gives us power but anoints us to be witnesses for Him. God has something glorious for every one of us who believes and receives it. The relationship with the Holy Spirit empowers us to serve with joy. ISBN:9781439194805 Author:T.D. Jakes

Maximize the Moment

KShs2,095.00 KShs1,991.00
Brief Summary Maximize the Moment: God's Action Plan for Your Life. Using ageless biblical principles, Bishop T.D. Jakes teaches that every moment of every day, God provides all we need to achieve success. In Maximize the Moment, he explains how to release ourselves from damaging relationships and debilitating fears, how to face and conquer obstacles that may stand in our path to success, and how to move beyond our painful pasts. ISBN:9780425181638 Author:T. D. Jakes

The Pressures Off

KShs1,795.00 KShs1,706.00
Brief summary The Pressure's Off: Breaking Free from Rules and Performance You can stop trying to get everything right. Is the pressure getting to you? Do you try to make everything work, only to find that your best efforts are largely ineffective? Christians have unknowingly embraced two errors: that following the rules guarantees a good life, and that God is important because He dispenses blessings. When God’s blessings seem to taper off and when life doesn’t work out, people take it upon themselves to make things work. And that creates pressure that we are all too familiar with. In The Pressure’s off, best-selling author and counselor Larry Crabb introduces you to the New Way of living. God does not guarantee ease or convenience—or even a good outcome as the result of your obedience. But he does promise himself, no matter what the circumstances of your life. When you seek God and nothing else, the pressure truly is off you. " ISBN:9780307730534 Author:Larry Crabb

The Purpose of Christmas

KShs1,395.00 KShs1,326.00
Brief summary Why is Christmas such a big deal? If you stop to think about it, it is astounding that the simple, unassuming birth of a peasant baby boy more than two thousand years ago in the Middle East can today cause traffic jams every December in places like New York City, Tokyo, and Rio de Janeiro. The night Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem, a small group of poor shepherds were quietly tending their flocks of sheep in a nearby field, looking up at the stars. Nothing seemed any different from a thousand other nights. But what was about to happen would transform not only their lives but billions of other lives as well. The world would never be the same again. Regardless of your religious background, you need to know how the three purposes of Christmas solve your three greatest needs. Understanding and receiving God's Christmas gifts to you will transform your life...forever! ISBN:9781416559009 Author:Rick Warren

Rules of Relaxation

KShs595.00 KShs566.00
Brief summary Rules of Relaxation teaches you 130 medical relaxation techniques, mental stress management tactics, spiritual stress relief tips and other multiple other ways to manage stress. It covers the A to Z of stress management from Assert yourself, Breathe deeply, Cast your burdens, Drink herbal teas, Establish social support, Formulate realistic goals, Guard your heart, Have complementary hobbies, Identify personal stressors, Jaunt, Keep the Sabbath, Listen to music, Meditate on the Word, Nab a nap, Optimize stress, Pamper yourself, Quash sin, Reason rationally, Schedule news fasts, Trust God, Use cognitive restructuring, Veto worry, Work out, experiment with aromatherapy, Yield to God to Zap job stress so that you can manage stress more effectively and live through stressful situations without getting distressed. ISBN:B0043RS3L4 Author:Dr. Miriam Kinai

Managing Stress with the Word of God

KShs595.00 KShs566.00
Brief summary Managing Stress with the Word of God: Christian Stress Management Managing Stress with the Word of God teaches you effective stress management by combining Biblical principles with medical relaxation techniques. Topics covered in this book include: 1. What is stress? 2. What is the body's response to stress? Symptoms of Stress 7 Biblical Principles for Stress Management 7 Medical Relaxation Techniques for Stress Management Other Stress Relief Activities ISBN:9789966715104 Author:Dr Miriam Kinai

Spiritual Warfare Overcoming the Enemy

KShs999.00 KShs950.00
Brief summary Whether you realize it or not, you live in the midst of spiritual combat. Your enemy, the devil, is dangerous, destructive, and determined to keep you from effectively serving God. In order to defend yourself against his attacks, you need to know how the enemy operates. Through this six-week study you will gain a thorough knowledge of the enemy’s tactics and schemes. As you discover the truth about Satan—including the limits of his power—you will be equipped to stand firm against his attacks and to develop a strategy for living daily in victory. 40 minutes a week could change your life! The 40-Minute Bible Studies series from the teaching team at Precepts Ministries International tackles the topics that matter to you. These inductive study guides, designed to be completed in just six 40-minutes lessons with no homework required, help you discover for yourself what God says and how it applies to your life today. With the leader’s note and Bible passages included right in the book, each self-contained study is a powerful resource for personal growth and small-group discussion. " ISBN:9780307729798 Author:Kay Arthur, B.J. Lawson and David Lawson