Showing 1–20 of 333 results

The Light Within, the glow of Zara...

KShs1,000.00 KShs900.00
Kids face different kinds of fears, whether it's darkness, speaking up, ageing, or something else. The first book in the “The Light Within” series is designed to help children overcome their fears and find the courage to face the realities of life.

Sinema ya Karate

Kadiri anaingiwa na wasiwasi kutokana na mabadiliko katika tabia ya rafiki yake. Anashangaa anapomwona rafiki yake akitoweka kama moshi baada ya masomo ya kila siku kuisha. Kitendo cha rafiki yake kinamtia ari ya kutaka kufahamu ni kitu gani kinachomtoa mwenzake mbio. Juhudi zake za kutaka kujua anakoenda rafiki yake wakati wa mazoezi ya karate yanaambulia patupu. Kwa sababu hiyo, anaapa kufanya juu chini ili apate kujua kinachoendelea na sababu za rafiki yake kubadilika. n nJe, Kadiri atapata kujua kinachomfanya rafiki yake kubadilika? Je, atafanya nini ili kuweka wazi kinachoendelea? Je, ni nini kitatendeka atakapogundua kinachoendelea? nSinema ya Karate ni kisa cha kiupelelezi. Kisa hiki kinaangazia masuala ya malezi, elimu, uhifadhi wa mazingira miongoni mwa masuala mengine katika jamii. Kisa hiki kimesheheni mbinu na mitindo mbalimbali ambayo itamfaidi mwanafunzi katika kujenga lugha na ubunifu wake.

The Broken Mask

In the heart of Nairobi's Matebele's slums, a new dawn seems to be coming, with the promise of one of their own winning the MP seat. Mansa Kamai, a typical example of a rags-to-riches story, is the people's darling. However, deep-seated revelations threaten to crush the people's dreams. Mansa finds his life under scrutiny and is desperate to survive. Will the people of Matebele get the justice they rightly deserve? The Broken Mask is a story that explores hypocrisy, family dynamics, and the complex world of politics, misuse of power and corruption. n nStarlit Readers is a series targeting Junior School learners in the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC). The series is also recommended for other readers looking for modern stories told in a powerful and highly refreshing fashion. The books in this series will certainly keep you turning the pages.

Sikukuu Nzuri

Sikukuu Nzuri ni hadithi inayoangazia msamiati wa vyakula. Lola na wenzake wanajadili kuhusu chakula ambacho wangependa kula siku ya sikukuu. Je, watachagua vyakula gani? n nSoma Nasi ni msururu wa hadithi zilizoandikwa kwa kuzingatia mada mbalimbali. Hadithi hizi zitawawezesha wanafunzi wenye uwezo tofautitofauti kuimarisha stadi za lugha walizojifunza darasani. Wanafunzi watafurahia kuzisoma hadithi hizi kwa lengo la kujiburudisha na pia kufanya mazoezi ya stadi za lugha.

Temo dukani

Vitabu katika Mradi wa Kusoma wa Simba vinalenga kuwapa wanafunzi wa chekechea msingi thabiti wa stadi ya kusoma. Vitabu hivi vinamlenga mwanafunzi ambaye anaanza kutambua herufi, silabi na maneno ambayo yanaweza kutambulika moja kwa moja. Vitabu hivi vina picha na urudiaji wa maneno ili kumsaidia mwanafunzi kusoma kwa wepesi. Kila hadithi ina wazo moja tu.

Mchoro wa Naseku

Vitabu katika Mradi wa Kusoma wa Simba vinalenga kuwapa wanafunzi wa chekechea msingi thabiti wa stadi ya kusoma. Vitabu hivi vinamlenga mwanafunzi ambaye anaanza kutambua herufi, silabi na maneno ambayo yanaweza kutambulika moja kwa moja. Vitabu hivi vina picha na urudiaji wa maneno ili kumsaidia mwanafunzi kusoma kwa wepesi. Kila hadithi ina wazo moja tu.

Matunda ni Afya

Vitabu katika Mradi wa Kusoma wa Simba vinalenga kuwapa wanafunzi wa chekechea msingi thabiti wa stadi ya kusoma. Vitabu hivi vinamlenga mwanafunzi ambaye anaanza kutambua herufi, silabi na maneno ambayo yanaweza kutambulika moja kwa moja. Vitabu hivi vina picha na urudiaji wa maneno ili kumsaidia mwanafunzi kusoma kwa wepesi. Kila hadithi ina wazo moja tu.

Rama na Karembo

Vitabu katika Mradi wa Kusoma wa Simba vinalenga kuwapa wanafunzi wa chekechea msingi thabiti wa stadi ya kusoma. Vitabu hivi vinamlenga mwanafunzi ambaye anaanza kutambua herufi, silabi na maneno ambayo yanaweza kutambulika moja kwa moja. Vitabu hivi vina picha na urudiaji wa maneno ili kumsaidia mwanafunzi kusoma kwa wepesi. Kila hadithi ina wazo moja tu.

Michezo yetu

Vitabu katika Mradi wa Kusoma wa Simba vinalenga kuwapa wanafunzi wa chekechea msingi thabiti wa stadi ya kusoma. Vitabu hivi vinamlenga mwanafunzi ambaye anaanza kutambua herufi, silabi na maneno ambayo yanaweza kutambulika moja kwa moja. Vitabu hivi vina picha na urudiaji wa maneno ili kumsaidia mwanafunzi kusoma kwa wepesi. Kila hadithi ina wazo moja tu.

Masomo yetu

Vitabu katika Mradi wa Kusoma wa Simba vinalenga kuwapa wanafunzi wa chekechea msingi thabiti wa stadi ya kusoma. Vitabu hivi vinamlenga mwanafunzi ambaye anaanza kutambua herufi, silabi na maneno ambayo yanaweza kutambulika moja kwa moja. Vitabu hivi vina picha na urudiaji wa maneno ili kumsaidia mwanafunzi kusoma kwa wepesi. Kila hadithi ina wazo moja tu.

The Tap is Dry (Copy)

Simba Readers are a fun and fresh way for learners in ECD centres to learn easily. These creative books have pictures that are attractive. These readers are designed to enable the learner to develop word recognition‚ and help them to decode words and identify language patterns.

Pipi za Lona

Vitabu katika Mradi wa Kusoma wa Simba vinalenga kuwapa wanafunzi wa chekechea msingi thabiti wa stadi ya kusoma. Vitabu hivi vinamlenga mwanafunzi ambaye anaanza kutambua herufi, silabi na maneno ambayo yanaweza kutambulika moja kwa moja. Vitabu hivi vina picha na urudiaji wa maneno ili kumsaidia mwanafunzi kusoma kwa wepesi. Kila hadithi ina wazo moja tu.

Ball in the tree

Simba Readers are a fun and fresh way for learners in ECD centres to learn easily. These creative books have pictures that are attractive. These readers are designed to enable the learner to develop word recognition‚ and help them to decode words and identify language patterns.

Cat, Rat and Ant

Simba Readers are a fun and fresh way for learners in ECD centres to learn easily. These creative books have pictures that are attractive. These readers are designed to enable the learner to develop word recognition‚ and help them to decode words and identify language patterns.

The Tap is Dry (Copy)

Simba Readers are a fun and fresh way for learners in ECD centres to learn easily. These creative books have pictures that are attractive. These readers are designed to enable the learner to develop word recognition‚ and help them to decode words and identify language patterns.

The lost money

Simba Readers are a fun and fresh way for learners in ECD centres to learn easily. These creative books have pictures that are attractive. These readers are designed to enable the learner to develop word recognition‚ and help them to decode words and identify language patterns.

On the farm

Simba Readers are a fun and fresh way for learners in ECD centres to learn easily. These creative books have pictures that are attractive. These readers are designed to enable the learner to develop word recognition‚ and help them to decode words and identify language patterns.

Two short ropes

Simba Readers are a fun and fresh way for learners in ECD centres to learn easily. These creative books have pictures that are attractive. These readers are designed to enable the learner to develop word recognition‚ and help them to decode words and identify language patterns.

At the park

Simba Readers are a fun and fresh way for learners in ECD centres to learn easily. These creative books have pictures that are attractive. These readers are designed to enable the learner to develop word recognition‚ and help them to decode words and identify language patterns.

The Tap is Dry

Simba Readers are a fun and fresh way for learners in ECD centres to learn easily. These creative books have pictures that are attractive. These readers are designed to enable the learner to develop word recognition‚ and help them to decode words and identify language patterns.