Showing 421–440 of 19054 results

UNBOUND by Peris Nyaguthii

KShs1,500.00 KShs1,200.00
"In the grand stage of life,we possess a single act to shine:to be an Eagle or a pigeon. Where we choose to roost is a personal call,but,either way, we have to fly- to the lofty heights or the cosy corners-taking flight is the only way to script a narrative. So, spread those wings and author your destiny."


KShs600.00 KShs550.00
We are living in a world that is ready to crash, break us apart, and put our remaining reminiscence into a deep dark void. The pressure gets strong day by day. Sometimes we are stuck between the world of conception, a certain moment of pain, and a situation where we have to choose what best gits us or should I say a generous choice, and David woke up to this predicament where he had to choose either his siblings or the marriage bearing in mind that he had two children with Patricia. Mueni aged ten and Jane aged three.

Wisdom Shall Die With You by Daudi Ju...

KShs1,700.00 KShs1,695.00
Eduardo Kariuki is conceived and born out of wedlock in Kenya. His German mother leaves the child with a foster mother. Whether the youngster will merely survive or thrive will depend on his desire to conquer the fears and doubts he faces, as a boy and then as a young man. Kariuki’s search for meaning in life takes him from Nairobi to Frankfurt, then to Freiburg im Breisgau and Habkern, Switzerland. He is back in Kenya in no time at all. But there is something still missing in his life. There is one more hurdle he must assail.   Wisdom Shall Die With You is a coming-of-age narrative that seamlessly weaves laugh-out-loud episodes of youthful exuberance and a touching love story with horror and heart-rending tragedy. It is a classic tale of the ages that will remain with you long after you have turned the last page. “Stunning narrative voice in this bitter-sweet journey of a young man seeking his mother, identity, and meaning in the world. Eduardo takes the reader from Africa to Europe, in to heartache and out the other side. This was a stunning read. Highly recommend to anyone looking for an authentic tell cased in lovely writing.” Chloe Holiday, Amazon reviewer.   Snippet on leadership: Pg 120: "Kariuki had once come across a picture story some- where, depicting some of the challenges of leadership. A person on a raised podium addressed a group of people. “Who wants change?” the fellow asked. Every one of his listeners promptly raised his hand. “Who wants to change?” Here the speaker encountered a minor crisis. Not a single person raised their hand. Everyone looked at their shoes. But that was nothing, considering what happened when he asked his next question. “Who wants to lead the change?” The crowd of people dissolved into thin air, leaving the guy on the podium alone. Every one of the gathered people peeled away as fast as they could, unable to deal with the possibility, or probability, that they could orchestrate a process of change. Kariuki wondered what aspect of the leadership equation was so scary that it could melt away a mammoth crowd in seconds. What was it with leadership?"

The Salem Mystrey by Emmanuel Kariuki

KShs700.00 KShs500.00
This animal story for children looks at the different ways that animals feed in the Savanna. During the wildebeests migration, eating is hard work for some but a picnic for others. It is full of useful lessons in a humorous style.

Echoes of Destiny by Andrew Walyaula

Echoes of Destiny is a captivating tale that explores love, dreams, and heritage. Set against the backdrop of the enchanting Bukusu culture in sub-Saharan Africa, this novel presents stories that resonate with the human spirit’s pursuit of purpose and identity. Felix and Isabela navigate the currents of their aspirations, encountering unexpected twists and turns along their journeys. From the serene Mwamba village to bustling cities and distant horizons, their lives unfold against tradition and modernity. As their paths intersect with others who hold the keys to their destinies, friendships are formed, dreams are pursued, and love finds its way into the most unexpected corners of their lives. But as the ties of heritage shift and change, ancient customs meld with the evolving forces of time, blurring the lines between past and present. Echoes of Destiny explores the universal themes of family, infidelity, ambition, tradition, and change. With vivid characters, evocative landscapes, and a narrative that resonates with the heart, this novel is a tribute to the enduring spirit of humanity and the echoes that reverberate across generations.


KShs655.00 KShs600.00
This guide book provides comprehensive analysis of the novel 'Fathers of Nations' by Paul B. Vitta. In particular, the book covers: 1. Relevance of the title. 2. Setting 3. Synopsis. 4. Chapter summary and analysis. 5. Themes. 6. Character and characterization 7. Literary styles used in the novel. 8. Sample KCSE essay questions and answers. 9. Sample KCSE excerpt questions and answers.


KShs850.00 KShs750.00
The book has: 1. Step by step guide on the art of composition writing. 2. Finely refined teaching and learning notes on composition writing. 3. Samples of well written imaginative compositions. 4. Past K. C. S. E. imaginative composition questions. 5. Composition practice questions.

PURPOSE MIRROR by Caroline Kim Njoroge


·       Do you feel like you need help identifying your life's assignment?

·       Do you feel stuck and unable to find direction for your life?

·       Do you have trouble identifying your gifts, abilities, and uniqueness?

·       Have you received a lot of prophecies but don't know how to bridge between prophecy and day-to-day life?

·       Do you have challenges connecting with others in healthy relationships?

·       Purpose Mirror holds some gems of truth meant to help you see yourself through the lens of purpose. That you may live a life of meaning and direction.


KShs2,000.00 KShs1,800.00
A perfect read for Leaders, Entrepreneurs and anyone seeking triumph in a moment of hardship be it in life, work, business, sickness, strife, marriage or career. From the village of Taita to Triumph in the city. Mbele shares his moments of success, failure, and crisis through life, business, career and health crisis. The book paints a powerful story of love and healing emerging out of rejection after being given away at a tender age to be raised by another mother, the author reconnects with his real mother who makes an ultimate selfless show of love as a kidney donor giving him another chance to live again. With unwavering clarity, he candidly recounts not just the narrative of business failure but heart wrenching experience of losing a child at birth. His narrative not only acknowledges the depths of grief but also illuminates the resilient spirit with which they navigated through the shadows of sorrow.

Boy Child In Distress by Kairu Magutu


In this novel, the main character, Karan (a short form of Karani in Swahili meaning an Accountant), was born into a poor family in a traditional setup at the borders of Laikipia, Baringo, and Samburu. He was brought up in a mixed culture.

As a little boy, Karan went through many life-threatening experiences, including attacks by wild animals, abduction by cattle rustlers, police arrest in a foreign country, and a difficult marriage to a slay queen, among others. Despite these challenges, he ended up as a successful person with a wealth of experience in solving life's most pressing challenges.

Karan was trained by his father to be self-reliant, only informing him when things got tough. His father always reminded him to face life with courage and wisdom.


KShs250.00 KShs200.00
The wild blackberry is a story of a strong African girl who goes up and above to achieve her dreams. She finds herself at crossroads when she falls in love with Edmund. She is unknowingly introduced to drug peddling which is owned by Edmunds father mr mwinyi. ''don't be too close to my son,'' mwinyi issued her a warning and she tried to keep her distance but Edmund saw it as an opportunity to take lead of the relationship. '' I will find my son a good gift and i think a beautiful wife will make him happy'' mwinyi said in one of their conversations leaving Dee with a huge lump to swallow. She knew that he wouldn't choose him, who would choose a drug peddler for a daughter-in-law ? What would she choose, her job or the love of her life ?

Chains of Junkdom: A play by Okiya Om...

KShs700.00 KShs590.00
Chains of Junkdom: A play by Okiya Omtatah Okoiti

Turning obstacles into stepping stone...

KShs1,700.00 KShs999.00
Making stepping stones out of stumbling blocks is a secret towards achieving a successful future. In failure there's a seed of success. Put your past mistakes and use them to create your path to the ocean of success.

Grief Journal

KShs2,000.00 KShs1,800.00
Our grief journal is a compassionate and introspective journal crafted to guide individuals through the stages of grief. With thoughtful prompts and therapeutic exercises, this journal provides a nurturing space for reflection, emotional exploration, and healing. Readers can navigate their grief journey, honor cherished memories, and discover moments of solace amidst the pain. Structured to promote self-care and resilience, "Embracing Healing" offers tools for coping with loss, fostering self-compassion, and nurturing emotional well-being. Whether used individually or within a support network, this journal is a companion for those seeking understanding, comfort, and a pathway to healing during times of profound loss. Through writing and self-discovery, readers are encouraged to embrace their grief with courage and find hope for the future.

Sweet lovers in the jungle by Nancy W...

KShs3,300.00 KShs1,200.00
A captivating romantic book for two lovers who met in a jungle after heart break but we're able to move on after falling in love. They had an adventurous live full of drama but were able to live happily ever after.

The Last Raibuni with M’Angaine...

KShs3,000.00 KShs2,790.00
The Last Raibuni with M'Angaine O M'Ithiria by Engineer Kiruki Mwithimbu

Philosophy of Teachers’ Epistem...

KShs2,500.00 KShs2,000.00
Philosophy of Teachers’ Epistemic Beliefs for Changing Pedagogy: A Paradigm Shift to Competency-Based Education offers pedagogical insights into the paradigm shift intended by the 21st Century competency-based education. The authors, informed by both policy and research on education, argue that implementation of competency-based education requires anchoring pedagogical explorations on the epistemology of a competency-based curriculum. Research in personal epistemology reveals that teachers enact espoused epistemic beliefs in classroom pedagogical practice. Teachers must be empowered to change their pedagogical competencies by drawing their attention to their default epistemic beliefs which must be replaced by what is aligned with the epistemology of a competency-based curriculum. The book makes the case that curriculum reforms necessarily imply pedagogical reforms. That is, pedagogy is parasitical on the epistemology of curriculum. The book exposes the underpinning epistemology of competency-based curriculum in Kenya and has gone further to derive epistemic beliefs that teachers should acquire to facilitate their efforts at reforming their pedagogy aligned to Competency-based education. We live in a time of radical revolution where knowledge is a critical factor in all sectors of society. The education sector is charged with the responsibility of empowering learners as creators of knowledge. Learning how to learn is a key competency in adapting, utilizing and experimenting with novel conceptions of knowledge which includes changing teachers’ epistemic beliefs and attitudes. This book is resourceful for policy-makers in teacher education, teacher educators at university and teacher training colleges, educationists, practicing classroom teachers, education researchers, school managers and readers interested in facilitating effective pedagogical change for the implementation of competency-based education. What Others Say “The authors of this book have competently simplified the technical aspects of CBE in such a way that the reader would readily understand the extent to which CBE is the way forward for nurturing 21st Century skills and competencies through formal education.” - Samson Okuro Gunga, Professor of Philosophy of Education, Faculty of Education, The University of Nairobi.

Soso and The Kako Leaf by Bella Disu ...

KShs3,700.00 KShs3,500.00
Follow the life of young Soso as she encounters mysteries and unearths traditions that have existed long before she was born. Be part of her adventures as she gains confidence, self-esteem, and an understanding of her deep cultural heritage.

Time for Harvest. Women and Constitut...

KShs3,000.00 KShs2,500.00
From the bleak days of severe marginalization; days when words such as 'women's empowerment' or 'affirmative action' were taboo in Kenya, Time for harvest: Women and Constitution Making in Kenya traces women's struggles to change their status, their lives and their entire destiny. It is a brilliant exposition of the sheer ingenuity, perseverance and tenacity to contribute to the attainment of an all inclusive Constitution that banishes, inter alia, gender discrimination in all spheres of life, including social, economic, cultural, and political spheres. In this way, it opens up massive space for Kenyan women to 'exhale'. Wanjiku deftly tells the story of many great women actors in the struggle and the nature of their contribution while sparing us the pain that was suffered by individual women and their families as they identified with what at times seemed like mission impossible. They must be the women who, in her words, 'have names, hearts that ache, eyes that weep, feet that hurt'. The books is suitable for the general reader as well as scholars in cultural and feminist studies. Student of politics, law, history, sociology, anthropology and literature who want to know the path traveled by Kenyans - women specifically - in constitution making will find it useful.